The PIL library includes some pretty useful tools for C++ programing espesially in the areas of moblile robotics and CV (computer vision), includes ThreadBase,Svar,TImer,SE3 in PI_Base and hardwares support like Cameras, GPS and so on.

Primary LanguageC++GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

#The Pilot Intelligent Library

##1. Introduction

The PIL library includes some pretty useful tools for C++ programing espesially in the areas of moblile robotics and computer vision.


1.1. Folder structure

  • src --- source code of the library
  • apps --- source code of examples
  • scripts --- compile scripts
  • Thirdparty--- some other librarys PIL depends on

1.2. Modules

  • base --- basic types and utils for configuration, threads, debug and time statistics
  • network --- network transmission framework for IP/TCP, UDP
  • hardware --- inplementation of Camera models, UART, GPS, IMU and joystick, etc.
  • gui --- a gui framework based on Qt and OpenGL (QGLViewer), including some basic objects
  • cv --- some computer vision utils based on OpenCV
  • lua --- the lua warper of some APIs

##2. Resources and Compilation on Linux

###2.1. Resources

  • Download the latest code with:
    • Git:

        git clone https://github.com/zdzhaoyong/PIL

###2.2. Dependency OpenCV : sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev

Qt : sudo apt-get install build-essential g++ libqt4-core libqt4-dev libqt4-gui qt4-doc qt4-designer

QGLViewer : sudo apt-get install libqglviewer-dev libqglviewer2

Boost : sudo apt-get install libboost1.48-all-dev

###2.2. Compilation As we develop the whole project on Linux, only compilation Makefile for linux is provided. If you are using linux systems, it can be compiled with one command:

cd PIL;make

The compilation should be ok in most circumstances and once not, you may need to modified the file scripts/LIBS_CONFIG.linux and config the library dependences manually. ##3. Usage and examples Lots of examples are provided in folder apps, cd to the app folder you wanna and input make run to excute the application.

##4. Contact

If you have any problem, or you have some suggestions for this code, please contact Yong Zhao by zd5945@126.com, thank you very much!