
Utilities to support interacting with multiple HPC clusters

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


PyPI version

Library and command line interface to support interacting with multiple HPC clusters

Provides the ability to interact with the most popular HPC job scheduling systems using a single interface and enables the creation of job submission scripts.

Tested with SGE, LSF and slurm (PBS/TORQUE support under development)

Getting started

MyCluster can be installed from PyPi.

pip install mycluster


Storing your email address

MyCluster will write your email address into any submission files so you can recieve updates from the schedulers. You can supply this on the command line or store it in a configuration file. To store your email in the configuration file run:

mycluster configure

Setting a custom scheduler

By default MyCluster will try and detect the underlying scheduler but this can be overridden by setting the MYCLUSTER_SCHED environment variable. This should be set to a string name of a Python class that implements the mycluster.schedulers.base.Scheduler class.

Override the submission template

In some cases you may want to override the submission templates, for example if you want to include additional parameters or scheduler commands. To do this set the MYCLUSTER_TEMPLATE environment variable to the jinja template you wish to use. See mycluster/schedulers/templates for the base templates.

Command Line

MyClusyter installs the "mycluster" cli command to interact with the local scheduler via the command line.

Print command help

mycluster <command> --help

List all queues

mycluster queues

List jobs

mycluster list

Create a new submission file, see --help for more submission options.


Submit a job file

mycluster submit JOBFILE

Cancel a job

mycluster cancel JOBID

The RUNSCRIPT to be executed by the JOB_SCRIPT can make use of the following predefined environment variables

export NUM_TASKS=
export NUM_NODES=

# OpenMP configuration

# Default mpiexec commnads for each flavour of mpi
export OMPI_CMD="mpiexec -n $NUM_TASKS -npernode $TASKS_PER_NODE -bysocket -bind-to-socket"
export MVAPICH_CMD="mpiexec -n $NUM_TASKS -ppn $TASKS_PER_NODE -bind-to-socket"
export IMPI_CMD="mpiexec -n $NUM_TASKS -ppn $TASKS_PER_NODE"


Mycluster can be used programatically using the mycluster module. All schedulers implement the base mycluster.schedulers.base.Scheduler class.

import mycluster

# Detect the local scheduler
scheduler = mycluster.detect_scheduling_sys()

print(f"Scheduler loaded: {scheduler.scheduler_type()}")

# Create a batch script to submit a 48 task run of script.sh to the skylake queue
script = scheduler.create("skylake", 48, "my_job", "script.sh", "01:00:00", tasks_per_node=24)

# Write to a file
with open("mysub.job", "w") as f:

# Submit the batch script
job_id = scheduler.submit("mysub.job")

# Check the status of the job

# Cancel the job