
A series of regex to convert twine (Harlowe) to yarn spinner for personal reference

Twine To Yarn Spinner

Converting twine to yarn spinner with regex in VSCode.

(I'm converting from Harlowe - I like Harlowe better because syntax highlighting - but you can use regex for any story format, really; the regexes will just be a little different.)

Note: There'll still be a lot leftover that you need to fix manually. Converting from Twine to Yarn Spinner is a pain in the butt and I would not recommend if/once Yarn Spinner gets a better visual node editor. Until then, I'll be prototyping in Twine... :'(


For each step, the first line of code is the regex; the second is what it should be replaced with.

  1. Convert into proper node syntax

:: (.+?)\n((.|\n(?!\n:: ))*)

title: $1
  1. Place tags properly

title: (.*)\[(.*)\]

title: $1
tags: $2
  1. Transform if, else, set, etc

(note: wont work for more than 2 levels of nested parentheses)

\(((.)*?):[ ]?((?:[^)(]+|\((?:[^)(]+|\([^)(]*\))*\))*)\)(\\)?

<<$1 $3>>

  1. Get rid of trailing space <<((.)*) >>


  1. Get rid of extraneous colons <<if:


  1. Transform conditionals
  • first get all [[]]] so that it's [[]]\n]


  • then get all bracket after (*)[ to be ()\n[
  • then get all closing brackets to be (*)\n[\n]
  • then again
  • then find all else and end with endif
<<else>>\n\[[ \n\t]?((.|\n)*?)\n\]
  • then find all else-if that don't end with else and endif
^<<else-if((.)*?)>>\n\[[ \n]?((.|\s)*?)\n\]
  • then i manually replace through bc for the life of me i cant figure out how to regex an else-if that isn't followed by an else...
  • then find all if that dont have endif; endif

(this doesn't really work but idk how to make it better....)

^<<if((.)*?)>>\n\[[ \n]?((.|\s)*?)\n\](?!.*<<else>>)
  1. Transform (display:)
<<display "((.)*?)">>[\\]?
  1. Transform markdown
  • Get rid of header
### (.+?)
  • Get rid of align
Center: $1

  • Italicize

(doesn't include new line incase there are urls for imgs, etc)

  • Bold
  • Subscript
Subtitle: $1
  1. Get rid of of {}
\{[ \n]?((.|\n)*?)[ \n]?\}
  1. Get rid of \
  1. Transform span classes outside of options marking them as new options
<span class='red'>((.)*)</span>
<<set-option "new">>
  1. Transform img classes
<img src="((.)*)">(</img>)?
Image: $1
  1. Transform history:
\(count: \(history: \), "((.)*)"\)
  1. Get rid of passage name unless in a 'set' context
  • remove it in and statements
 and \(passage:\)'s name is (not )?"(.)*"
(empty. as in, replace it with nothing)
  • replace set context with getter
\(passage:\)'s name
  1. Transform comments
<!-- ((.)*) -->
// $1
  1. other useful things
  • make indent consistent
^  (?!(\s))
  • remove double quotes