
Track Advancement of SLAM 跟踪SLAM前沿动态【IROS 2019 SLAM updated】


【回馈社区】跟踪SLAM前沿动态(2019), 2018版 技术更新太快,开启paper暴走模式,精选paper包括纯视觉SLAM,三维重建,基础数学工具,导航路径规划,深度学习SLAM,激光与视觉融合等类别。如果你发现我遗漏了本年度比较优秀的论文,请开issue留言,不胜感激。

SLAM 能力图

------------ IROS 2019 下载链接------------

Calibration and Identification

A Novel Robust Approach for Correspondence-Free Extrinsic Calibration.

Automatic Multi-Sensor Extrinsic Calibration for Mobile Robots.

Model Free Calibration of Wheeled Robots Using Gaussian Process

A Robust Extrinsic Calibration Framework for Vehicles with Unscaled Sensors.


Active SLAM Using Connectivity Graphs As Priors.

Map-Aware SLAM with Sparse Map Features.

RISE-SLAM: A Resource-Aware Inverse Schmidt Estimator for SLAM.

Better Lost in Transition Than Lost in Space: SLAM State Machine.

Stereo Visual Inertial LiDAR Simultaneous Localization and Mapping.

Fast and Incremental Loop Closure Detection Using Proximity Graphs.(https://github.com/AnshanTJU/FILD)

Outlier-Robust State Estimation for Humanoid Robots.(https://github.com/mrsp/serow)

Pose Estimation for Omni-Directional Cameras Using Sinusoid Fitting.

3D Reconstruction by Single Camera Omnidirectional Multi-Stereo System.

Metric Monocular Localization Using Signed Distance Fields.

Free-Space Features: Global Localization in 2D Laser SLAM Using Distance Function Maps.

Eigen-Factors: Plane Estimation for Multi-Frame and Time-Continuous Point Cloud Alignment.(https://gitlab.com/gferrer/eigen-factors-iros2019)

A Robust Laser-Inertial Odometry and Mapping Method for Large-Scale Highway Environments.

On the Tunable Sparse Graph Solver for Pose Graph Optimization in Visual SLAM Problems.

Radar SLAM for Indoor Disaster Environments Via Multi-Modal Registration to Prior LiDAR Map.

Robot Localization Via Odometry-Assisted Ultra-Wideband Ranging with Stochastic Guarantees.

Sparse-3D Lidar Outdoor Map-Based Autonomous Vehicle Localization.

GLFP: Global Localization from a Floor Plan.

BTEL: A Binary Tree Encoding Approach for Visual Localization.

FASTER: Fast and Safe Trajectory Planner for Flights in Unknown Environments.

On Data Sharing Strategy for Decentralized Collaborative Visual-Inertial Simultaneous Localization and Mapping.

Decentralized Visual-Inertial Localization and Mapping on Mobile Devices for Augmented Reality.

Communication Constrained Cloud-Based Long-Term Visual Localization in Real Time.

Visual-Inertial Odometry with Point and Line Features.

Vision-Aided Localization for Ground Robots.

Rolling-Shutter Modelling for Direct Visual-Inertial Odometry.

DISCOMAN: Dataset of Indoor SCenes for Odometry, Mapping and Navigation.

2-Entity RANSAC for Robust Visual Localization in Changing Environment.

DeepPCO: End-To-End Point Cloud Odometry through Deep Parallel Neural Network.

OREOS: Oriented Recognition of 3D Point Clouds in Outdoor Scenarios.

Filter Early, Match Late: Improving Network-Based Visual Place Recognition.

Degeneracy in Self-Calibration Revisited and a Deep Learning Solution for Uncalibrated SLAM.

SGANVO: Unsupervised Deep Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks

Robust Loop Closure Detection Based on Bag of SuperPoints and Graph Verification.

Deep Supervised Hashing with Similar Hierarchy for Place Recognition.

Learning Local Feature Descriptor with Motion Attribute for Vision-Based Localization.

Robust and Efficient Vehicles Motion Estimation with Low-Cost Multi-Camera and Odometer-Gyroscope.

SuMa++: Efficient LiDAR-Based Semantic SLAM.( https://github.com/PRBonn/semantic_suma/)

Monocular Object and Plane SLAM in Structured Environments.

CALC2.0: Combining Appearance, Semantic and Geometric Information for Robust and Efficient


Semantically Assisted Loop Closure in SLAM Using NDT Histograms.( https://github.com/azaganidis/se_ndt)

Camera Pose Estimation with Semantic 3D Model.

Accelerated Visual Inertial Navigation Via Fragmented Structure Updates.

Long-Term Visual Inertial SLAM Based on Time Series Map Prediction.

Data Flow ORB-SLAM for Real-Time Performance on Embedded GPU Boards.


A Robust Stereo Semi-Direct SLAM System Based on Hybrid Pyramid.

Outlier-Robust Spatial Perception: Hardness, General-Purpose Algorithms, and Guarantees.

Visual-Inertial Odometry Tightly Coupled with Wheel Encoder Adopting Robust Initialization and Online Extrinsic Calibration.

The Road Is Enough! Extrinsic Calibration of Non-Overlapping Stereo Camera and LiDAR Using Road Information.

LIC-Fusion: LiDAR-Inertial-Camera Odometry.

FA-Harris: A Fast and Asynchronous Corner Detector for Event Cameras.

Rapid and Robust Monocular Visual-Inertial Initialization with Gravity Estimation Via Vertical Edges.

A Unified Formulation for Visual Odometry.

An Efficient and Accurate Algorithm for the Perspective-N-Point Problem.

ORBSLAM-Atlas: A Robust and Accurate Multi-Map System.

Sparse Depth Enhanced Direct Thermal-Infrared SLAM Beyond the Visible Spectrum.

Robust High Accuracy Visual-Inertial-Laser SLAM System.

Covariance Pre-Integration for Delayed Measurements in Multi-Sensor Fusion.

Real-Time Dense Depth Estimation Using Semantically-Guided LIDAR Data Propagation and Motion Stereo.

Non-Parametric Mixed-Manifold Products Using Multiscale Kernel Densities.

Perception System Design for Low-Cost Commercial Ground Robots: Sensor Configurations, Calibration, Localization, and Mapping.

Visual-Inertial Localization with Prior LiDAR Map Constraints.

Extending Monocular Visual Odometry to Stereo Camera Systems by Scale Optimization.

Line-Based Absolute and Relative Camera Pose Estimation in Structured Environments.

Outlier-Robust Manifold Pre-Integration for INS/GPS Fusion.

A Joint Optimization Approach of LiDAR-Camera Fusion for Accurate Dense 3D Reconstructions.

LiDAR-Flow: Dense Scene Flow Estimation from Sparse LiDAR and Stereo Images.

ReFusion: 3D Reconstruction in Dynamic Environments for RGB-D Cameras Exploiting Residuals.( https://github.com/PRBonn/refusion)

GPU Accelerated Robust Scene Reconstruction.( https://github.com/theNded/Open3D)

View Management for Lifelong Visual Maps.

TerrainFusion: Real-Time Digital Surface Model Reconstruction Based on Monocular SLAM.

Motion and Path Planning

Predictive Inverse Kinematics: Optimizing Future Trajectory through Implicit Time #### Integration and Future Jacobian Estimation.

Computing 3D From-Region Visibility Using Visibility Integrity.

Edge-Preserving Camera Trajectories for Improved Optical Character Recognition on Static Scenes with Text.

Virtual Region Based Multi-Robot Path Planning in an Unknown Occluded Environment.

Fast Trajectory Planning for Multiple Quadrotors Using Relative Safe Flight Corridor.

Coverage Path Planning Using Path Primitive Sampling and Primitive Coverage Graph for Visual Inspection.

Volumetric Tree*: Adaptive Sparse Graph for Effective Exploration of Homotopy Classes.(https://github.com/andreacasalino/MT_RRT)

RINS-W: Robust Inertial Navigation System on Wheels.

Maximum Likelihood Path Planning for Fast Aerial Maneuvers and Collision Avoidance.

Graph-Based Path Planning for Autonomous Robotic Exploration in Subterranean Environments.

Constrained Heterogeneous Vehicle Path Planning for Large-Area Coverage.

Combining Stochastic Optimization and Frontiers for Aerial Multi-Robot Exploration of 3D Terrains.

Optimal Temporal Logic Planning for Multi-Robot Systems in Uncertain Semantic Maps.

Multi Robot Route Planning (MRRP): Extended Spatial-Temporal Prioritized Planning.

An Optimal Algorithm to Solve the Combined Task Allocation and Path Finding Problem.

Scheduling of Mobile Workstations for Overlapping Production Time and Delivery Time.

------------ IROS 2019 终止线 ----------

------------ ICRA 2019 重磅来袭 吐血整理关于SLAM部分 下载链接----------

0031 Aided Inertial Navigation - Unified Feature Representations and Observability Analysis

0036 Learning Wheel Odometry and IMU Errors for Localization

0041 MH-iSAM2 - Multi-Hypothesis iSAM Using Bayes Tree and Hypo-Tree

0060 Deep Reinforcement Learning of Navigation in a Complex and Crowded Environment with a Limited Field of View

0078 Living with a Mobile Companion Robot in Your Own Apartment - Final Implementation and Results of a 20-Weeks Field Study

0095 Visual SLAM - Why Bundle Adjust

0118 Project AutoVision - Localization and 3D Scene Perception for an Autonomous Vehicle with a Multi-Camera System

0120 A Kalman Filter-Based Algorithm for Simultaneous Time Synchronization and Localization in UWB Network

0122 Pose Graph Optimization for Unsupervised Monocular Visual Odometry

0193 Learning Ad-Hoc Compact Representations from Salient Landmarks for Visual Place Recognition in Underwater Environments

0212 A Variational Observation Model of 3D Object for Probabilistic Semantic SLAM

0215 Velocity Constrained Trajectory Generation for a Collinear Mecanum Wheeled Robot

0239 Tightly Coupled 3D Lidar Inertial Odometry and Mapping

0251 Fast Stochastic Functional Path Planning in Occupancy Maps

0257 A Linear-Complexity EKF for Visual-Inertial Navigation with Loop Closures

0306 FMD Stereo SLAM - Fusing MVG and Direct Formulation towards Accurate and Fast Stereo SLAM

0317 Lidar Measurement Bias Estimation Via Return Waveform Modelling in a Context of 3D Mapping

0326 Rorg - Service Robot Software Management with Linux Containers

0336 Localization with Sliding Window Factor Graphs on Third-Party Maps for Automated Driving

0353 Sensor-Failure-Resilient Multi-IMU Visual-Inertial Navigation

0355 Enabling Identity-Aware Tracking Via Fusion of Visual and Inertial Feature

0362 A New Approach to Local Navigation for Autonomous Driving Vehicles Based on the Curvature Velocity Method

0371 LookUP - Vision-Only Real-Time Precise Underground Localisation for Autonomous Mining Vehicles

0378 Uncertainty Estimation for Projecting Lidar Points Onto Camera Images for Moving Platforms

0389 Efficient Integrity Monitoring for KF-Based Localization

0390 SweepNet - Wide-Baseline Omnidirectional Depth Estimation

0395 3D Surface Reconstruction Using a Two-Step Stereo Matching Method Assisted with Five Projected Patterns

0431 Road Detection through CRF based LiDAR-Camera Fusion

0434 Real-Time Model Based Path Planning for Wheeled Vehicles

0448 Improving Keypoint Matching Using a Landmark-Based Image Representation

0467 Adding Cues to Binary Feature Descriptors for Visual Place Recognition

0508 Fast and Robust Initialization for Visual-Inertial SLAM

0522 ScalableFusion - High-Resolution Mesh-Based Real-Time 3D Reconstruction

0549 High-Precision Localization Using Ground Texture

0552 Actively Improving Robot Navigation on Different Terrains Using Gaussian Process Mixture Models

0561 KO-Fusion - Dense Visual SLAM with Tightly-Coupled Kinematic and Odometric Tracking

0589 Learning Scene Geometry for Visual Localization in Challenging Conditions

0595 CNN-SVO - Improving the Mapping in Semi-Direct Visual Odometry Using Single-Image Depth Prediction

0613 Learning Action Representations for Self-supervised Visual Exploration

0636 Robust Object-Based SLAM for High-Speed Autonomous Navigation

0658 A Scalable Framework For Real-Time Multi-Robot Multi-Human Collision Avoidance

0660 SuperDepth - Self-Supervised Super-Resolved Monocular Depth Estimation

0666 Safe and Complete Real-Time Planning and Exploration in Unknown Environments

0674 Visual-Inertial Navigation - A Concise Review

0697 Uncertainty-Aware Occupancy Map Prediction Using Generative Networks for Robot Navigation

0700 Illumination Robust Monocular Direct Visual Odometry for Outdoor Environment Mapping

0717 GEN-SLAM - Generative Modeling for Monocular Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

0782 A Comparison of CNN-Based and Hand-Crafted Keypoint Descriptors

0783 IN2LAMA - INertial Lidar Localisation and MApping

0798 Accurate Direct Visual-Laser Odometry with Explicit Occlusion Handling and Plane Detection

0860 Semantic Mapping for View-Invariant Relocalization

0862 Robotic Forceps without Position Sensors Using Visual SLAM

0867 Environment Driven Underwater Camera-IMU Calibration for Monocular Visual-Inertial SLAM

0897 Dense 3D Visual Mapping Via Semantic Simplification

0903 Redundant Perception and State Estimation for Reliable Autonomous Racing

0954 Semantic Mapping Extension for OpenStreetMap Applied to Indoor Robot Navigation

0968 Multirotor Dynamics Based Online Scale Estimation for Monocular SLAM

0970 UWBLiDAR Fusion for Cooperative Range-Only SLAM

0979 A Supervised Approach to Predicting Noise in Depth Images

0999 Dynamic Hilbert Maps - Real-Time Occupancy Predictions in Changing Environments

1008 Learning Monocular Visual Odometry through Geometry-Aware Curriculum Learning

1036 A Unified Framework for Mutual Improvement of SLAM and Semantic Segmentation

1045 Leveraging Structural Regularity of Atlanta World for Monocular SLAM

1072 Improving the Robustness of Visual-Inertial Extended Kalman Filtering

1073 ATLAS FaST - Fast and Simple Scheduled TDOA for Reliable Ultra-Wideband Localization

1086 Visual Appearance Analysis of Forest Scenes for Monocular SLAM

1090 Closed-Loop MPC with Dense Visual SLAM - Stability through Reactive Stepping

1092 Pedestrian Dominance Modeling for Socially-Aware Robot Navigation

1105 Energy-Aware Temporal Logic Motion Planning for Mobile Robots

1126 Real-Time Dense Mapping for Self-Driving Vehicles Using Fisheye Cameras

1129 RESLAM - A Real-Time Robust Edge-Based SLAM System

1143 Dense Surface Reconstruction from Monocular Vision and LiDAR

1147 Estimating the Localizability in Tunnel-like Environments using LiDAR and UWB

1173 Depth Completion with Deep Geometry and Context Guidance

1176 Learned Map Prediction for Enhanced Mobile Robot Exploration

1204 DeepFusion - Real-Time Dense 3D Reconstruction for Monocular SLAM Using Single-View Depth and Gradient Predictions

1211 Real Time Dense Depth Estimation by Fusing Stereo with Sparse Depth Measurements

1247 Towards Fully Dense Direct Filter-Based Monocular Visual-Inertial Odometry

1265 Adaptive Bingham Distribution Based Filter for SE(3) Estimation

1267 MID-Fusion - Octree-Based Object-Level Multi-Instance Dynamic SLAM

1278 Autonomous Exploration Reconstruction and Surveillance of 3D Environments Aided by Deep Learning

1322 Speeding up Iterative Closest Point Using Stochastic Gradient Descen

1324 Building a Winning Self-Driving Car in Six Months

1327 Obstacle-Aware Adaptive Informative Path Planning for UAV-Based Target Search

1340 OVPC Mesh - 3D Free-Space Representation for Local Ground VehicleNavigation

1358 Multi-Robot Informative Path Planning with Continuous Connectivity Constraints

1365 Look No Deeper - Recognizing Places from Opposing Viewpoints under Varying Scene Appearance Using Single-View Depth Estimation

1380 GANVO - Unsupervised Deep Monocular Visual Odometry and Depth Estimation with Generative Adversarial Networks

1381 Efficient Constellation-Based Map-Merging for Semantic SLAM

1383 Multimodal Semantic SLAM with Probabilistic Data Associatio

1422 Surfel-Based Dense RGB-D Reconstruction with Global and Local Consistency

1448 3D Keypoint Repeatability for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot SLAM

1458 Characterizing Visual Localization and Mapping Datasets

1549 A-SLAM - Human-In-The-Loop Augmented SLAM

1555 Dynamic Channel - A Planning Framework for Crowd Navigation

1560 2D LiDAR Map Prediction Via Estimating Motion Flow with GRU

1567 Efficient 2D-3D Matching for Multi-Camera Visual Localization

1593 Where Should We Place LiDARs on the Autonomous Vehicle - An Optimal Design Approach

1599 Efficient Trajectory Planning for High Speed Flight in Unknown Environments

1607 Visual-Odometric Localization and Mapping for Ground Vehicles Using SE(2)-XYZ Constraints

1636 Depth Generation Network - Estimating Real World Depth from Stereo and Depth Images

1688 Localizing Discriminative Visual Landmarks for Place Recognition

1697 ROVO - Robust Omnidirectional Visual Odometry for Wide-Baseline Wide-FOV Camera Systems

1751 Non-Parametric Error Modeling for Ultra-Wideband Localization Networks

1760 RCM-SLAM - Visual Localisation and Mapping under Remote Centre of Motion Constraints

1784 Multi-Camera Visual-Inertial Navigation with Online Intrinsic and Extrinsic Calibration

1808 CoLo - A Performance Evaluation System for Multi-Robot Cooperative Localization Algorithms

1827 Variational End-To-End Navigation and Localization

1870 SLAMBench 3.0: Systematic Automated Reproducible Evaluation of SLAM Systems for Robot Vision Challenges and Scene Understanding

1891 Real-Time Monocular Object-Model Aware Sparse SLAM

1937 Tightly-Coupled Aided Inertial Navigation with Point and Plane Features

1942 RaD-VIO - Rangefinder-aided Downward Visual-Inertial Odometry

1946 Beyond Point Clouds - Fisher Information Field for Active Visual Localization

1954 Deep Local Trajectory Replanning and Control for Robot Navigation

1977 FastDepth - Fast Monocular Depth Estimation on Embedded Systems

2006 Probabilistic Projective Association and Semantic Guided Relocalization for Dense Reconstruction

2009 Kinematic Constraints Based Bi-Directional RRT (KB-RRT) with Parameterized Trajectories for Robot Path Planning in Cluttered Environment

2044 MRS-VPR - A Multi-Resolution Sampling Based Visual Place Recognition Method

2045 Integrated UWB-Vision Approach for Autonomous Docking of UAVs in GPS-Denied Environments

2111 Keyframe-Based Direct Thermal Inertial Odometry

2139 Self-Supervised Sparse-To-Dense - Self-Supervised Depth Completion from LiDAR and Monocular Camera

2143 A Multi-Domain Feature Learning Method for Visual Place Recognition

2162 Real-Time Scalable Dense Surfel Mapping

2186 Global Vision-Based Reconstruction of Three-Dimensional Road Surfaces Using Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter

2207 An Autonomous Loop-Closure Approach for Simultaneous Exploration and Coverage of Unknown Infrastructure Using MAVs

2334 Probabilistic Appearance-Based Place Recognition Through Bag of Tracked Words

2335 Robust Pose-Graph SLAM Using Absolute Orientation Sensing

2354 Monocular Semantic Occupancy Grid Mapping with Convolutional Variational Encoder-Decoder Networks

2358 Sparse2Dense - From Direct Sparse Odometry to Dense 3D Reconstruction

2381 Local Descriptor for Robust Place Recognition Using LiDAR Intensity

2390 Decentralized Full Coverage of Unknown Areas by Multiple Robots with Limited Visibility Sensing

2394 Enhancing V-SLAM Keyframe Selection with an Efficient ConvNet for Semantic Analysis

2410 Loosely-Coupled Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM

2533 Unsupervised Learning of Monocular Depth and Ego-Motion Using Multiple Masks

2540 On-Line 3D Active Pose-Graph SLAM Based on Key Poses Using Graph Topology and Sub-Maps

2545 Low-Latency Visual SLAM with Appearance-Enhanced Local Map Building

2552 Experimental Comparison of Visual-Aided Odometry Methods for Rail Vehicles

2554 Iteratively Reweighted Midpoint Method for Fast Multiple View Triangulation

2559 Unified Motion-Based Calibration of Mobile Multi-Sensor Platforms with Time Delay Estimation

2643 Efficient Autonomous Exploration Planning of Large Scale 3D-Environments

2645 Deep Reinforcement Learning Robot for Search and Rescue Applications - Exploration in Unknown Cluttered Environments

2685 Integrated Mapping and Path Planning for Very Large-Scale Robotic (VLSR) Systems

2703 Geometric Relation Distribution for Place Recognition

2717 Communication-Efficient Planning and Mapping for Multi-Robot Exploration in Large Environments

2873 Multi-Process Fusion - Visual Place Recognition Using Multiple Image Processing Methods

2877 Geo-Supervised Visual Depth Prediction

2886 Effective Visual Place Recognition Using Multi-Sequence Maps

2894 Probabilistic Completeness of RRT for Geometric and Kinodynamic Planning with Forward Propagation

2897 On the Impact of Uncertainty for Path Planning

2901 Multi-Robot Motion Planning with Dynamics Via Coordinated Sampling-Based Expansion Guided by Multi-Agent Search

2911 Energy-Efficient Coverage Path Planning for General Terrain Surfaces

2943 VUNet - Dynamic Scene View Synthesis for Traversability Estimation Using an RGB Camera

2948 Robust Attitude Estimation Using an Adaptive Unscented Kalman Filter

2985 1-Day Learning 1-Year Localization - Long-Term LiDAR Localization Using Scan Context Image

2992 Robust Global Structure from Motion Pipeline with Parallax on Manifold Bundle Adjustment and Initialization

3117 Learning Scene Geometry for Visual Localization in Challenging Conditions

3118 Geo-Supervised Visual Depth Prediction

3130 Search-Based 3D Planning and Trajectory Optimization for Safe Micro Aerial Vehicle Flight under Sensor Visibility Constraints

------------ ICRA 2019 终止线 ----------


105. 2019-10-11-High Availability Mapping and Localization密歇根大学 Xipeng Wang 博士论文

102. 2019-09-30-Mine Tunnel Exploration using Multiple Quadrupedal Robots Vijay Kumar隧道搜寻机器人定位

100. 2019-09-05-Multi-Spectral Visual Odometry without Explicit Stereo Matching红外相机与传统相机双目SLAM

97. 2019-09-05-EKLT: Asynchronous Photometric Feature Tracking using Events and Frames Event 相机与传统相机结合做追踪

87. 2019-06-19-Edge-Direct Visual OdometryCMU 边缘直接法VO

79. 2019-06-10-Extrinsic calibration of a single-point laser rangefinder and single camera 连同78,都是2D激光传感器与视觉传感器外参标定

77. 2019-06-10-HeteroFusion: Dense Scene Reconstruction Integrating Multi-sensors 融合多种传感器的三维重建

74. 2019-05-28-Robust simultaneous localization and mapping in low-light environment 提取两种特征点解决光照问题

69. 2019-05-24-A Novel Approach for Lidar-Based Robot Localization in a Scale-Drifted Map Constructed Using Monocular SLAM 基于单目产生的有尺度漂移的地图,用激光定位,感觉没多大用

61. 2019-05-20-3D Keypoint Repeatability for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot SLAM南加州大学基于3D点云的特征点

59. 2019-05-14-CREAK descriptor evaluation for visual odometry CREAK 描述子测试

58. 2019-05-05-Humanoid Robot Dense RGB-D SLAM for Embedded Devices* 使用RGBD+IMU+Encoder做Nao机器人状态估计

49. 2019-04-23-Direct Sparse Mapping 带有回环检测的稀疏直接法

48. 2019-04-23-Gyroscope-aided Relative Pose Estimation for Rolling Shutter Cameras 使用IMU解决卷帘快门图像问题

47. 2019-04-17-Adaptive SLAM with synthetic stereo dataset generation for real-time dense 3D reconstruction提出在直线行走时降低图像帧率,节省计算资源以及减少误差

46. 2019-04-17-Robust Legged Robot State Estimation Using Factor Graph Optimization Anymal 四足机器人定位算法

43. 2019-04-02-KO-Fusion: Dense Visual SLAM with Tightly-Coupled Kinematic and Odometric TrackingDyson 和 Imprial college 研发的RGBD融合底盘dense slam

41. 2019-03-29-Learning 3D Semantic Reconstruction on OctreesETH wang xiaojuan三维语义重建硕士论文

32. 2019-03-16-A Unified Formulation for Visual Odometry 综合直接法和间接法

26. 2019-03-11-Incremental Visual-Inertial 3D Mesh Generation with Structural Regularities出自MIT,在VIO中根据三角剖分加入结构化特征

24. 2019-03-08-Robust RGB-D Odometry under Depth Uncertainty for Structured Environments 博士论文处理RGBD深度误差

23. 2019-03-08-Stereo Visual Inertial LiDAR Simultaneous Localization and Mapping激光在山洞容易失效,双目可以增强某些场景

20. 2019-02-28-Vision Sensor Aided Navigation for Ground Vehicle Applications Liu Zhenbo 博士毕业论文讲的很仔细

19. 2019-02-28-GSLAM: A General SLAM Framework and Benchmark 兼容多种框架的框架。。。

15. 2019-02-14-Visual SLAM: Why Bundle Adjust?Ian Reid的改进版BA

14. 2019-02-14-A real-time visual-inertial mapping and localization method by fusing unstable GPS 根据GPS信号可信度调整优化方法

11. 2019-01-30-Extrinsic Calibration of Lidar and Camera with Polygon 利用已知多边形板子获得激光与视觉传感器外参,出自港科大刘明老师

10. 2019-01-30-Robust Photogeometric Localization over Time for Map-Centric Loop Closure解决map-centric slam回环问题

8. 2019-01-25-SLAM of Robot based on the Fusion of Vision and LIDARRGBD 与lidar 融合,好像只是处理逻辑关系判断,没有深度融合


6. 2019-01-25-Loosely-Coupled Semi-Direct Monocular SLAM Javier Civera 直接法和特征法融合,也是我现在工作比较感兴趣的一个方向

4. 2019-01-11-SDVL: Efficient and Accurate Semi-Direct Visual Localization 直接法与特征点法混合

1. 2019-01-09-Factor Graphs for Flexible Inference in Robotics and Vision Dellaert, Frank视频详解因子图,他也是牛逼的SKYDIO 的开发者之一


23. 2019-07-31-Deep Virtual Stereo Odometry: Leveraging Deep Depth Prediction for Monocular Direct Sparse Odometry TUM Cremers 利用网络单目深度估计解决单目SLAM尺度问题

21. 2019-05-09GN-Net: The Gauss-Newton Loss for Deep Direct SLAMDaniel Cremers 所作,在帧间tracking时replace the image I with a feature map computed by a deep neural network.

18. 2019-04-23-AI-IMU Dead-Reckoning只利用IMU做航迹推算,使用了卡尔曼滤波和神经网络

15. 2019-04-19-Semantic Nearest Neighbor Fields for Monocular Edge Visual-Odometry带有语义信息的几何边融入到VO中

13. 2019-04-17-Discovering and Leveraging Deep Multimodal Structure for Reliable Robot Perception and Localization Wolfram Burgard 学生博士论文,主要讲述分割网络以及在SLAM中的应用

8. 2019-03-08-DeepLO: Geometry-Aware Deep LiDAR Odometry基于深度学习的三维激光SLAM

6. 2019-03-08-GCNv2: Efficient Correspondence Prediction for Real-Time SLAM 网络生成ORB特征点,融合ORBSLAM里面去。code

2. 2019-01-25-Towards Building the Semantic Map from a Monocular Camera with a Multi-task Network 中山大学通过多任务CNN生成单目深度图与并分割,重建出有语义信息的地图

3D Reconstruction

4. 2019-02-18-[Improving 3D reconstruction via RGB-D camera registration and shading-based surface refinement]南阳理工邓腾博士论文

1. 2019-01-12-NRMVS: Non-Rigid Multi-View Stereo 根据不同视角RGB图像对变形物体三维重建

Auto driving

10. 2019-05-14-Trajectory Optimization of LiDAR SLAM Based on Local Pose Graph 优于LOAM的3D laser SLAM

7. 2019-05-09-DeLiO: Decoupled LiDAR Odometry 把旋转和平移分开求解

6. 2019-04-23-Tightly Coupled 3D Lidar Inertial Odometry and Mapping港科大lidar融合IMU建图

4. 2019-03-13-An Interactive LiDAR to Camera Calibration 雷达相机外参标定

3. 2019-03-13-A Fuzzy-Innovation-Based Adaptive Kalman Filter for Enhanced Vehicle Positioning in Dense Urban Environments

2. 2019-01-25-Sensor fusion for localization of automated vehicles 德国Bonn大学自动驾驶多传感器融合博士论文

Path Planning

5. 2019-02-18-Efficient Autonomous Exploration Planning of Large Scale 3D-Environments. Frontier Exploration planning (FEP) 与 Receding Horizon Next-Best-View planning (RH-NBVP)方法融合做自主探索

4. 2019-02-15-Motion Planning for Micro Aerial Vehicles宾大liu sikang博士论文,导师Kumar

3. 2019-02-14-A Novel GRU-RNN Network Model for Dynamic Path Planning of Mobile Robot 全名Gated Recurrent Unit-Recurrent Neural Network (GRU-RNN)

1. 2019-01-25-Planning Algorithms for Multi-Robot Active Perception 悉尼大学多机器人主动感知路径规划


5. 2018-03-08-UCSD ECE276A: Sensing & Estimation in Robotics (Winter 2019) UC 圣地亚哥大学机器人感知运动估计课程

3. 2019-02-25-MC2SLAM: Real-Time Inertial Lidar Odometry Using Two-Scan Motion Compensation 激光IMU紧耦合方案,声称KITTI数据集top5,且放出了数据集。

1. 2019-01-25-Ultra-wideband-based Navigation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles 南洋理工UWB定位博士论文