
Simple Tools to generate images and videos from a ROS bag file

Primary LanguageShell



Simple ROS tool to transform CompressedImage's topics into MP4 videos.


Clone this repository in your catkin_ws and compile it:

roscd && cd ..
rospack profile

Install the required run-time dependencies using the provided scripts:

roscd && cd ../src
bash setup.sh


First, transform your bag file topic into JPG images using the following command:

roslaunch bag2mp4 extract_bag_images.launch bag_file:=<FULL_PATH_TO_BAG_FILE>  bag_compressed_image_topic:=<IMAGE_TOPIC_NAME>

Important notes:

  • The extracted images are saved at the folder ~/home/<USER>/bag2mp4, that will be created automatically.
  • <IMAGE_TOPIC_NAME> must be replaced by the compressed topic name but without the /compressed suffix. For example, if your bag file contains the topic /usb_cam/image_raw/compressed, you must write here /usb_cam/image_raw, although this topic does not exist
  • In case your bag file also contains the image raw topic, add the option: bag_contains_raw_topic:=true.
  • By default, this command will try to extract all the images from the topic at 100 Hz. In case the number of extracted frames is higher/lower than the number of messages in the topic (check it for example using rqt_bag info <bag_name>), please, fine-tune this argument.

Finally, generated the video from these images executing:

rosrun bag2mp4 images2video.sh <TOPIC_FRAME_RATE>

replacing <TOPIC_FRAME_RATE> by the rate of the topic in the bag file (check it for example running the bag file and using rostopic hz <topic_name>).