Pinned issues
- 0
- 40
Our Experiences with a similar structure
#4 opened by ccrvlh - 0
- 0
Refactor Models, better naming conventions
#56 opened by williamphan99 - 0
- 0
Use Google API for address autocomplete
#58 opened by williamphan99 - 7
Looking for SQL ORM for FastAPI
#53 opened by SHIMURA0 - 1
Project example with best practice
#55 opened by windows8prew - 2
- 2
- 1
#42 opened by dimi-colossal - 1
Pydantic v2 Async field validator
#49 opened by alikhd1 - 0
- 0
- 1
Adding `exception_handlers` for mapping from exceptions to the error responses
#41 opened by nguyen1tech - 2
Use `run_in_threadpool` or not?
#32 opened by hmbui-noze - 2
- 2
- 1
Response Handling
#36 opened by hiruthikj - 0
Where to place OAuth2 functions
#39 opened by hhoswaldo - 9
Potential Improvements
#1 opened by ThirVondukr - 5
Pydantic2 & double conversions (#22)
#38 opened by ClaytonJY - 2
Pydantic 2+
#33 opened by ckpinguin - 2
- 3
Initialization of global clients
#31 opened by Moleandr - 1
No module named 'src'
#29 opened by jhoanmartinez - 6
- 6
Handling the nested response
#20 opened by allmonday - 1
Better sqla core
#21 opened by sayanarijit - 3
- 1
Circular import
#26 opened by jhoanmartinez - 2
API Rate Limits
#25 opened by AlexanderBogatko - 1
- 0
How to start the project
#23 opened by synapsedata - 4
- 2
- 4
Need for a template
#13 opened by the-akpan - 3
Idea: filename structure
#11 opened by innicoder - 2
Where to place CRUD operations?
#9 opened by ignacevau - 6
FastAPI + Omar + Alembic
#5 opened by pawamoy