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- In order to be compatible with multiple versions of T-Watch, all examples include a
file. For the first use, you need to define the T-Watch model you use in theconfig.h
file - In the
file, you can also see similar definitions, such as LILYGO_WATCH_LVGL, LILYGO_WATCH_HAS_MOTOR, this type of definition, it will be responsible for opening the defined module function, all definitions Will be available here View - Most of the examples are only used as hardware function demonstrations. This library only completes some initialization work and some demonstrations. For more advanced gameplay, please see TTGO.h, to understand how to initialize, after being familiar with it, you can completely leave this library for more advanced gameplay
- About API, please check the source code
- Example description
- The latest factory firmware is made by sharandac/My-TTGO-Watch
- The library already contains all the hardware drivers for
- Using TFT_eSPI as the display driver, you can directly call TFT_eSPI through the construction object.
- Using lvgl 7.0.0 as the display graphics framework, the driver method has been implemented, you only need to call lvgl api according to your own needs.
- For the use of lvgl please refer to lvgl docs
- Install the Arduino IDE. Note: Later instructions may not work if you use Arduino via Flatpak.
- Download a zipfile from github using the "Download ZIP" button and install it using the IDE ("Sketch" -> "Include Library" -> "Add .ZIP Library...", OR:
- Clone this git repository into your sketchbook/libraries folder. For more info, see https://www.arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries
- If you don't have the
TTGO T-Watch
option in your board manager, please update the esp32 board as follows:- Using Arduino IDE Boards Manager (preferred)
- Using Arduino IDE with the development repository
- In the Arduino board select
TTGO T-Watch
- In the Arduino File -> Examples -> TTGO T-Watch
- T-Watch-2019 : Since Twatch uses a special IO as the SD interface, please remove the SD card when downloading the program.