
USB Gamepad firmware for stm32f4

Primary LanguageC

STM32f4 Gamepad

This is my USB firmware for the stm32f4-discovery board. It is based on the mouse example provided by ST by modifying the usbd_hid_core.c and overriding the original file at $STM_SRC_DIR/Libraries/STM32_USB_Device_Library/Class/hid/usbd_hid_core.c. Since it is using the HID class sources there is no need for extra drivers when running OS X / Linux. In this example I am using a Sega Genesis controller connected to GPIOA.


Download and install the following software for your platform

  • The gcc-arm-none-eabi toolchain.
  • openOCD.
  • st-link (optional)
  • The stm32f4 firmware - Download from ST
  • Specify the folder of the firmware in the Makefile and run make.
  • Upload the resuling binary to the board using openOCD or st-link.


Simply connect the board using both USB ports. The mini USB is used for supplying the board with power and the micro for sending the HID reports to the PC.



Sometimes the USB will not be recognized after reprogramming the board a number of times. In these situations it is sufficient to perform a mass erase of the flash using either st-link or openOCD.