@INPROCEEDINGS{9635859, author={Cursi, Francesco and Bai, Weibang and Kormushev, Petar}, booktitle={2021 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, title={Kalibrot: A Simple-To-Use Matlab Package for Robot Kinematic Calibration}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={8852-8859}, doi={10.1109/IROS51168.2021.9635859}}
Algorithm for Robot Kinematic Calibration
- Kalibrot is an optimization algorithm for solving the problem of finding the optimal DH parametres for correct robot kinematc calibration.
- The algorithm uses derivatives of the Cartesian position and orientation (computed through quaternions) which are retrieved analytically, thus speeding up the computations.
- Two different methods can be used:
- traditional pseudoinverse;
- constarined quadratic programming problem (solved using quadprog from matlab).
The main functions are:
which solves the optimization problem. It finds the optimal DH parameters and also outputs additional information such as the identifiable parameters or the observability measures;RobotKinematics.m
is a class building the Robot object which allows to compute the forward kinematics and the derivatives wrt DH parameters. It just takes as input the number of joints, their types, and the initial transfromation matrix.VisualizeResults.m
generates three plots for showing the calibrate DH parameters, the calibrated robot kinematic structure, and the identification matrix;- The others are just auxiliary functions.
The tests
folder contains two examples:
calibration of a 3R robot;
calibration of a Stanford manipulator (6DOF);
calibration of a KUKA manipulator (7DOF).
are used to generate the calibration data for the three simulated robots.
explains Kalibrot functionalities and how to use it.
If you have any question and want to contribute to the project, please email
We thank you for your interest and help.