- 0
ONNX Model for CAM
#55 opened by MaitreChen - 0
some error about dt_box
#54 opened by a-F1 - 0
CAM for CNN regression networks?
#53 opened by minghuisvn - 1
How to train CAM?
#52 opened by qi0416 - 3
Pretrained VGG16CAM Model
#32 opened by soon-will - 2
Pretrained VGG16CAM Model
#49 opened by liuzh-buaa - 0
CAM to activate multiple tags
#50 opened by bAi-dUe - 1
1. Dimension of weight_softmax[idx] and features channel 2. Upsampling (directly resize)?
#48 opened by qsunyuan - 0
- 0
- 1
label 地址好像有问题
#43 opened by JasonZhou100 - 1
CAM for binary class
#44 opened by shawnthu - 0
Can't find file in dataset/ILSVRC2012?
#42 opened by Yeeesir - 0
- 0
CAM on market1501...
#40 opened by htyj123 - 1
Can you provide the dataset you are using?
#39 opened by 13sunmin - 0
- 3
Visualize intermediate feature map?
#27 opened by Zzlongjuanfeng - 6
- 0
- 2
Sorry I made a mistake... Please delete this
#36 opened by masa8 - 1
Doubt about using
#33 opened by Rahul-Venugopal - 0
- 0
GoogLeNet-CAM model on ImageNet
#34 opened by esrasuel - 0
#30 opened by jianpursuit - 1
Is values of heatmap plane comparable?
#24 opened by mrgloom - 1
Can it be used for detection task?
#26 opened by chenhao10807 - 1
Purpose of crop2img
#29 opened by MarcelGabriel1993 - 2
one bounding box for one CAM in the demo code
#18 opened by zhangyuygss - 1
Required File is missing
#28 opened by MarcelGabriel1993 - 3
- 3
minor bug in pytorch code?
#25 opened by isht7 - 0
Nice online demo
#23 opened by mrgloom - 3
- 0
misclaim of CAM
#21 opened by zhoubolei - 2
Issue: extract feature online
#19 opened by milumilule2 - 1
Regarding fine tuning.
#20 opened - 3
How to get the coords from heatmap?
#17 opened by yanxp - 2
how to train the model?
#13 opened by iFighting - 1
- 3
Other models like VGGNet for CAM?
#15 opened by panovr - 1
Maybe a mistake in mergeTenCrop.m
#14 opened by mumuhe - 1
Undefined function 'loadHeatMap'
#12 opened by Eniac-Xie - 2
- 4
There seems an error in mergeTenCrop.m
#10 opened by hshustc - 1
Fine tuning
#9 opened by mzahran001 - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
In the 'online' mode, matlab crashed when running caffe.Net(model, weight, 'test')
#5 opened by funnyzhou