This is the software demo for project VR15. In order to run this demo, you will need to build a VR15 or simulate the serial port communication. Communication protocol can be found in the above-mentioned repository.
Unity version: 2020.3.22f1 (LTS)
Tested VR hardware: Oculus Rift
You will need to change the Serial Port according to your Bluetooth connection
The magazine will be refilled if it is empty and not attached to the weapon.
Resource credit:
The "City" scene: download as a pack from Unity小白超神教程:第一人称射击游戏 or Youtube link
"AR15" model:
"AR-15 assault rifle FBX" (https://skfb.ly/6VoDD) by Jeyhun1985 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M4A1 rifle single shot sound:
"M4A1 Single - A single shot from the M4A1 tactical assault rifle." by Kibblesbob.
Dry fire sound:
"Dry Fire Gun - Sound of a glock 17 dry firing, its the sound that a gun makes when you pull the trigger with no ammo in the chamber. High resolution recording of an actual Glock 17 9mm. Very clear gun sound." by Mike Koenig. (yep, I know it is a Glock...)