
This repository contains a Python script (Jupyter notebook) implementing extraction of street blocks from OpenStreetMap (or other sources of vectorial data) using PostGis

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

OSM Streetblocks extraction

This repository contains a Python script (Jupyter notebook) implementing extraction of street blocks from OpenStreetMap (or other sources of vectorial data) using PostGis.

This code was published belong to the following paper:

Grippa & al. Mapping Urban Land Use at Street Block Level Using OpenStreetMap, Remote Sensing Data, and Spatial Metrics. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2018, 7, 246. doi:10.3390/ijgi7070246

Cite this code

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Related code

The code provided in this repository could be combined with the one provided in https://github.com/tgrippa/Street_blocks_features_computation, to reproduce the aforementioned research.

Workflow and outputs

The general workflow is as follow:

  • Input of the AOI as a polygon

  • Creation of tiles for download of OSM data

  • Linestrings extracted from OSM

  • Extraction of street blocks polygons from linestrings

  • Optical image

  • Linestrings before snapping using PostGis topology

  • Linestrings snapped (using PostGis topology)

  • Initial extraction of street blocks - Presence of artifacts polygons

  • Final street blocks layer - Artifacts were removed

Known issues

  • Some issues could appear on Windows when using 'osm2pgsql' command, regarding to the password for the Postgis databse.
  • The resulting layer could contain self-intersecting polygons. Add extra step should be added after the extraction of the block in order to check is there are self-interecting polygons, and fix them in this case.