
Heritability and genetic correlation from GWAS. Wrapper around LDAK for fast parallel computation

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



LDAK is a powerful piece of software for genetics. SumHer is a tool for estimating heritability and genetic correlation using GWAS summary statistics that is implemented in LDAK.

sumher_rs is a wrapper around LDAK that is optimized for computing many heritabilities and genetic correlations in parallel. To do so, it avoids re-reading files from disk and avoids unnecessarily repeating checks and formatting. This package is most suited to pre-aligned GWAS summary statistics. It requires the same inputs as LDAK/SumHer, but can efficiently run for multiple phenotypes at once.

Rather than writing several files for every phenotype or phenotype combination, sumher_rs writes outputs to a SQLite3 database file.


If cargo is not installed, see cargo installation.

cargo install --git https://github.com/zietzm/sumher_rs


sumher_rs is a command line tool.

To see a full list of commands and arguments, run

sumher_rs -h