
Offers several algorithms to triangulate 3d scattered points

Primary LanguageObjective-CGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Download latest released binaries: https://github.com/LuigiGiaccari/Surface-Reconstruction-Toolbox/releases/latest

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This tool was mainly coded during my master thesis. It offers several algorithms to triangulate 3d scattered points for 3d scanning applications. After finding it again on a old hard disk I thought that github could give it a fresh restart. During the thesis, in collaboration with Luca Di angelo and Paolo Di Stefano 3 papers were published


The toolbox features at the moment 4 main algorithms:

  • SCBMesher Fast adv front without Delaunay triangulation support. Can easly generate .5 M trias/secs on a laptop- Based on: A new mesh-growing algorithm for fast surface reconstruction. Computer-Aided Design 43(6): 639-650 (2011)
  • RobustCrust Based on the Powercrust always return a watertight surface therefore only supports closed shell-like surfaces
  • BallPivoting Simulates a ball rolling on the surface, absed on the paper from Fausto Bernardini.
  • QuickTerrain to triangula surface in the z=f(x,y) form, usually called "terrain".

Tools are designed to be used both interactively and from command prompt:

  • scbmesher.exe -in bunny.dat –out bunny.stl
  • robustcrust.exe –in bunny.dat –out bunny.stl
  • ballpivoting.exe –in inputfile –out outputfile -r 1.0
  • quickterrain.exe –in inputfile –out output file

All tools uses the -in and -out switch for I/O. The Ball Pivoting also asks for the ball radius.


Input file formats

  • .dat (binary) The file starts with an “int” typeindicating the number of points, next data are a list of doubles indicating the coordinates. Points are stored this way: X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2……. These are the Matlab commands to generate such file:
fid=fopen("filename.dat",'wb');%open input file
fwrite(fid, size(p,1), 'int');%first data=the numbers of points;
fclose(fid);%close the file

And this are the C++ ones:

pFile =fopen("Input.dat", "wb");//open input file
nwritten=fwrite(&N, sizeof(int), 1, pFile);//first line (the number of points)
nwritten=fwrite(&p, sizeof(double), N*3, pFile);//Write the points coordinate
fclose(pFile);//close the file
  • .cgo ( ASCII) The first line contains the number of points, the followings the list of 3D coordinates. Coordinates are separted by space, the decimal separator can be a comma or a point. Example:
0,060649 0,011160 0,059552
0,060351 0,012167 0,058159
0,060749 0,012164 0,059571
0,060267 0,011162 0,058137
0,060278 0,013168 0,058137
0,060653 0,013164 0,059557

Output File

  • Stl(binary) Standard binary stl file.


Many thanks to:

  • We used the robust predicates from Jonathan Richard Shewchuk
  • Amenta's directory of computational geometry software. We found great ideas in the Power Crust Paper.
  • Fausto Bernardini. Our Ball Pivoting implementation is based on his paper.
  • Thanks to the Meshlab team for their software
  • tetgen http://wias-berlin.de/software/tetgen/ saved a lot of time


For bugs, suggestions, questions refer to: giaccariluigi@msn.com Feel free to open issues or pull requests.



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