Note: beta version
Pimatic plugin supporting MySensors as controller. (
Support for following sensors
- Temperature and Humidity (
- Temperature and Pressure (
- Motion ( )
- Relay-Actuator ( )
- TimeAware Sensor support ( Unix time seconds )
- Binary buttom ( )
- Dimmer
- Distance
- Light Sensor
- Gas Sensor ( ppm )
- PulseMeter ( experimental only support wattage/Ampere )
- Battery level of multiple sensors
- support for sending IR codes to mysensor node ( using Action Provider/Handler )
- more to be add.. :)
Gateway can be anything from for arduino serial gateway or Raspberry pi
NRF24L01+ connected to raspberry pi SPI. (using ) ( SPI core clock changes and never works. if pi is overclock , so avoid it )
Serial Gateway (
You can load the plugin by editing your config.json to include:
"plugin": "mysensors",
"driver": "serialport",
"protocols": "1.4.1",
"startingNodeId": 1,
"driverOptions": {
"//": "'/dev/ttyUSBx' if using serial Gateway",
"serialDevice": "/dev/ttyMySensorsGateway",
"baudrate": 115200
in the plugins section.
- For sending IR hex code to mysensors node use either "send Ir" or simply "Ir" command in action text box. exp. Ir nodeid: "id" sensorid: "id" cmdcode: "0x342333" Note: uses V_IR_SEND type code to send IR command.
Note: To enable battery level with sensor. set ["batterystat"] to true. see temp & Hum exp. support is enable for all sensor except PIR,Switch. for PIR or switch use configure seperate battery devices.
- Temperature and Humidity
Devices must be added manually to the device section of your pimatic config.
This is the basic sensor with only temperature and humidity
"id": "DHT11",
"name": "DHT11",
"class": "MySensorsDHT",
"nodeid": 10,
"batterySensor": true,
"sensorid": [
- Temperature
This is the basic sensor with only temperature
"id": "Temp1",
"name": "Temp1",
"class": "MySensorsDST",
"nodeid": 11,
"batterySensor": true,
"sensorid": 0
- Temperature and Pressure
"id": "BMP",
"name": "BMP",
"class": "MySensorsBMP",
"nodeid": 10,
"batterySensor": true,
"sensorid": [
- Motion sensor PIR
"id": "PIR",
"name": "PIR",
"class": "MySensorsPIR",
"nodeid": 10,
"sensorid": 2,
"resetTime": 8000
- Relay-Actuator
"id": "Switch",
"name": "Switch",
"class": "MySensorsSwitch",
"nodeid": 10,
"sensorid": 1
- Dimmer
"id": "Dimmer",
"name": "Dimmer",
"class": "MySensorsDimmer",
"nodeid": 10,
"sensorid": 1
- Binary Button
"id": "Door",
"name": "Door",
"class": "MySensorsButton",
"nodeid": 12,
"batterySensor": true,
"sensorid": 1
- Battery levels
"id": "Battery",
"name": "Batterylevel",
"class": "MySensorsBattery",
"nodeid": [
- Light sensor ( 0 to 100 )
"id": "Light",
"name": "Light",
"class": "MySensorsLight",
"nodeid": 15,
"batterySensor": true,
"sensorid": 2
- Gas sensor ( ppm )
"id": "GasSensor,
"name": "GasSensor",
"class": "MySensorsGas",
"nodeid": 14,
"batterySensor": true,
"sensorid": 3
- Pulse sensor ( Watt, KWh and Ampere )
"id": "EnergySensor,
"name": "Energy Sensor",
"class": "MySensorsPulseMeter",
"nodeid": 3,
"batterySensor": true,
"sensorid": 1,
"appliedVoltage" : 220