
Primary LanguageVerilogApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


FPGA-based Acceleration of Video Depth Estimation by HW/SW Co-design

Copyright 2022, Nobuho Hashimoto and Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki


Apache License 2.0


If you use FADEC in your research, please cite our paper.

    author    = {Hashimoto, Nobuho and Takamaeda-Yamazaki, Shinya},
    booktitle = {2022 International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology (ICFPT)},
    title     = {{FADEC: FPGA-based Acceleration of Video Depth Estimation by HW/SW Co-design}},
    year      = {2022},
    volume    = {},
    number    = {},
    pages     = {1-9},
    doi       = {10.1109/ICFPT56656.2022.9974565}

For further information on our paper, you can view the following materials.


This is a novel FPGA-based accelerator for a depth estimation method "DeepVideoMVS", which alternates between traditional image/video processing algorithms and DNNs. We employ HW/SW co-design to appropriately utilize heterogeneous components in modern SoC FPGAs, such as programmable logic (PL) and CPU, according to the inherent characteristics of the method. The hardware and software implementations are executed in parallel on the PL and CPU to hide their execution latencies. This accelerator was developed on a Xilinx ZCU104 board by using NNgen, an open-source high-level synthesis (HLS) tool. Experiments showed that this accelerator operates 60.2 times faster than the software-only implementation on the same FPGA board with minimal accuracy degradation.


  1. Prepare pre-trained weights and datasets
  2. Adjust datasets to our implementation
  3. Quantize weights and activation
  4. Export network input and output
  5. Export HDL using NNgen
  6. Generate bitstream using Vivado
  7. Execute FADEC on ZCU104
  8. Evaluate results

Note: If you just want to execute and evaluate FADEC, move to 7. Execute FADEC on ZCU104.


1st to 4th

  • Python 3.8.12
    • numpy==1.20.3
    • opencv-contrib-python==
    • path==15.0.0
    • torch==1.5.1+cu101
    • torchvision==0.6.1+cu101


Warning: As we customized NNgen, we don't recommend you install NNgen by pip (Installation guideline is in 5. Export HDL using NNgen.).

  • Python 3.8.2
    • nngen==1.3.3
    • numpy==1.22.3
    • onnx==1.11.0
    • pyverilog==1.3.0
    • torch==1.11.0
    • veriloggen==2.1.0

Note: The environment is changed from "1st to 4th" because we used different machines.


  • Vivado v2021.2

7th and 8th

  • ZCU104 board with Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC XCZU7EV-2FFVC1156 from Xilinx
    • PYNQ Linux 2.6, based on Ubuntu 18.04 (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-xilinx-v2020.1 aarch64)
    • Python 3.6.5
      • Cython==0.29
      • numpy==1.16.0
      • torch==1.10.2
    • g++ (Ubuntu/Linaro 7.3.0-16ubuntu3) 7.3.0 (for the 8th)
      • OpenCV v3.4.3
      • Eigen v3.3.4

Files in ./dev/params

Note: You can generate these parameters by yourself by following the instructions.

1. Prepare pre-trained weights and datasets

2. Adjust datasets to our implementation

3. Quantize weights and activation

  • Execute ./dev/quantizer/convert_models.py by the following commands.

    $ cd dev/quantizer
    $ python3 convert_models.py
    • Outputs will be stored in ./dev/params/params_cpp.
    • Data stored in ./dev/params/org_weights_bin is temporary output, so never used again.
  • Execute ./dev/quantizer/weight_quantization.py by the following commands.

    $ cd dev/quantizer
    $ python3 weight_quantization.py
    • Outputs will be stored in ./dev/params/params_cpp_with_ptq and ./dev/params/quantized_params.
  • Execute ./dev/quantizer/activation_extraction.py by the following commands.

    $ cd dev/quantizer
    $ python3 activation_extraction.py
    • Data stored in ./dev/params/tmp is temporary output, so never used again.
  • Execute ./dev/quantizer/activation_quantization.py by the following commands.

    $ cd dev/quantizer
    $ python3 activation_quantization.py
    • Outputs will be added to ./dev/params/params_cpp_with_ptq.

4. Export network input and output

  • Execute ./dev/quantizer/export_inout.py by the following commands.

    $ cd dev/quantizer
    $ python3 export_inout.py
    • Outputs will be added to ./dev/params/quantized_params.

5. Export HDL using NNgen

  • Install NNgen by the following commands.

    $ git clone https://github.com/NNgen/nngen.git
    $ cd nngen
    $ git checkout v1.3.3
    $ cp -r ../dev/export_hdl/nngen_patch/* nngen/
    $ python3 setup.py install
  • Execute ./dev/export_hdl/dvmvs.py by the following commands.

    $ cd dev/export_hdl
    $ python3 dvmvs.py

6. Generate bitstream using Vivado

  • Execute ./dev/vivado/generate_bitstream.sh by the following commands.

    $ cd dev/vivado
    $ ./generate_bitstream.sh
    • Outputs will be stored in ./dev/vivado/dvmvs.
    • Bitstream files will be stored in ./dev/vivado/design_1.
    • Note: It will take some hours to finish.
  • The design image is shown in the figure below.

    design image

7. Execute FADEC on ZCU104

  • Prepare datasets by following the 1st and 2nd procedures if necessary.

  • Download and place flattened_params under ./eval/fadec from flattened_params.zip if necessary.

  • Place ./eval/fadec on ZCU104.

  • Place design_1.bit and design_1.hwh in the directory on ZCU104.

    • ./dev/vivado/move_bitstream.sh is helpful to move these files.

      $ cd dev/vivado
      $ ./move_bitstream.sh /path/to/dev/vivado pynq:/path/to/fadec
      # You can also specify a remote directory for the former one.
    • You can also download these files from design_1.zip

  • Compile ./eval/fadec/fusion.pyx on ZCU104 by the following commands.

    $ cd /path/to/fadec
    $ make
  • Execute ./eval/fadec/7scenes_evaluation.ipynb on ZCU104.

    • Outputs will be stored in depths and time_fadec.txt.

    • If the following error happens in the 7th cell, reboot ZCU104 and retry.

      Output exceeds the size limit. Open the full output data in a text editor
      RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
      <ipython-input-7-6778394090c9> in <module>()
          1 memory_size = 1024 * 1024 * 192
      ----> 2 buf = allocate(shape=(memory_size,), dtype=np.uint8)
          3 buf[param_offset:param_offset + params.size] = params.view(np.int8)
      /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pynq/buffer.py in allocate(shape, dtype, target, **kwargs)
          170     if target is None:
          171         target = Device.active_device
      --> 172     return target.allocate(shape, dtype, **kwargs)
      /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pynq/pl_server/device.py in allocate(self, shape, dtype, **kwargs)
          293         """
      --> 294         return self.default_memory.allocate(shape, dtype, **kwargs)
          296     def reset(self, parser=None, timestamp=None, bitfile_name=None):
      /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pynq/xlnk.py in allocate(self, *args, **kwargs)
          256         """
      --> 257         return self.cma_array(*args, **kwargs)
          259     def cma_array(self, shape, dtype=np.uint32, cacheable=0,
      --> 226             raise RuntimeError("Failed to allocate Memory!")
          227         self.bufmap[buf] = length
          228         return self.ffi.cast(data_type + "*", buf)
      RuntimeError: Failed to allocate Memory!

8. Evaluate results

  • Prepare datasets by following the 1st and 2nd procedures if necessary.
  • Download and place params_cpp under ./eval/cpp from params_cpp.zip if necessary.
  • Download and place params_cpp_with_ptq under ./eval/cpp_with_ptq from params_cpp_with_ptq.zip if necessary.
  • Place ./eval/cpp and ./eval/cpp_with_ptq on ZCU104.
    • Be careful that images_7scenes directory in those directories may be too large to place on ZCU104.
    • If you cannot place all the data together, place some of the directories in images_7scenes on ZCU104.

Execution Time

  • Execute C++ implementations by the following commands on ZCU104.

    $ cd /path/to/cpp
    $ make
    $ ./a.out > time_cpp.txt
    $ cd /path/to/cpp_with_ptq
    $ make
    $ ./a.out > time_cpp_with_ptq.txt
    • Outputs will be stored in results_7scenes and (time_cpp.txt or time_cpp_with_ptq.txt).
  • Execute ./eval/calculate_time.py by the following commands.

    $ cd /path/to/eval
    $ python3 calculate_time.py
            median 16.833
            std: 0.048
    CPU-only (w/ PTQ):
            median 13.185
            std: 0.040
    PL + CPU (ours):
            median 0.278
            std: 0.118
    • The execution time per frame is shown in the table below.

      Platform median [s] std [s]
      CPU-only 16.744 0.049
      CPU-only (w/ PTQ) 13.248 0.035
      PL + CPU (ours) 0.278 0.118
    • Note: The results in this project have some measurement errors compared with those in the paper.

  • Execute ./eval/fadec/overhead_evaluation.ipynb on ZCU104 to measure the overhead time.

    • The overhead is 4.7 ms.
    • The final cell shows the overhead time.
    • Note: The results in this project have some measurement errors compared with those in the paper.
  • See Open Implemented Design > Timing > Clock Summary in Vivado to check the clock frequency.

    Clock Frequency

    • The frequency is 187.512 MHz.

Hardware Resources

  • Run Open Implemented Design > Report Utilization in Vivado.


    • The hardware resource utilization is shown in the table below.

      Name #Utilization Available Utilization [%]
      Slice 28256 28800 98.1
      LUT 176377 230400 76.6
      FF 143072 460800 31.0
      DSP 128 1728 7.41
      BRAM 309 312 99.0


  • Execute ./eval/calculate_errors.py by the following commands.

    $ cd /path/to/eval
    $ python3 calculate_errors.py
    • The MSE values for each scene and implementation are printed.

      Dataset Nemes:  ['chess-seq-01', 'chess-seq-02', 'fire-seq-01', 'fire-seq-02', 'office-seq-01', 'office-seq-03', 'redkitchen-seq-01', 'redkitchen-seq-07']
                       C++:  [0.95 0.78 0.51 0.38 0.57 0.35 0.77 0.74]
              C++ (w/ PTQ):  [1.04 0.89 0.57 0.42 0.73 0.48 0.86 0.85]
                      Ours:  [1.01 0.85 0.54 0.4  0.67 0.42 0.78 0.79]
    • The graph will be saved in ./eval/errors.png.

  • Use ./eval/visualize_image.ipynb for qualitative evaluation.

    Qualitative Evaluation


    author    = {Duzceker, Arda and Galliani, Silvano and Vogel, Christoph and
                 Speciale, Pablo and Dusmanu, Mihai and Pollefeys, Marc},
    title     = {DeepVideoMVS: Multi-View Stereo on Video With Recurrent Spatio-Temporal Fusion},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2021},
    pages     = {15324-15333}