[ICCV2021] 3DVG-Transformer: Relation Modeling for Visual Grounding on Point Clouds
- ch3cook-fduByteDance Research
- daveredrumHuawei Noah's Ark Lab
- DongSkyThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- eamonn-zhSimon Fraser University
- eric4noteSouth China University of Technology
- femust-fieldai
- fly51flyPRIS
- hanabi7the college of software BeiHang University
- helen9975
- jlqzzz
- liujiahengBeihang University (BUAA)
- luo-junyuPeking University
- maogewudi007
- Matata-Doro
- Monad-Cube
- PhucNDAVinAI Research
- PPjmchenThe University of Manchester
- Qiaoqi-ZhuyanSouthwest University
- QIZHONG-noerror
- sunanhe
- vice-jinUSST
- Victor-Xiaoyu-YeThe Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
- waynamigo
- whuhxb
- Worker789
- Xiaolong-RRLPKU
- xibi777Sichuan University
- YimingCuiCuiCui
- YqGao716
- zehanwang01
- zhangjb416
- ZhaoYuanQi-1
- zhouhuanly
- zlcccccBeijing
- zxc351200