
Sunbeam extension to co-assemble metagenomic reads using Megahit

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This is an extension to the Sunbeam pipeline to perform co-assembly of reads from arbitrary groups of samples from a given project using megahit.


To install (see legacy instructions below):

sunbeam extend https://github.com/sunbeam-labs/sbx_coassembly/

Paramaters for sbx_coassembly are automatically added on sunbeam init. If you're installing an extension in a project where you already have a config file, run the following to add the options for your newly added extension to your config (the -i flag means in-place config file modification; remove the -i flag to see the new config in stdout):

sunbeam config update -i sunbeam_config.yml


If you'd like to coassemble all of your samples, no further input is needed! Jump to Running

If no grouping file is specified this extension by default co-assembles all samples. If you'd like to group specific samples, you need to provide a mapping file, then point to that mapping file in your config file. For example, if you have three samples from individual A (A_d1, A_d2, A_d3) and two from individual B (B_d1, B_d3), and you'd like to make one coassembly for each individual, you first need a mapping file like this (I'll call it mapping.yml):

A: ['A_d1', 'A_d2', 'A_d3']
B: ['B_d1', 'B_d3']

Here, the bracketed items in the list (i.e. 'A_d1' or 'B_d3' are your full sample names and must match the sample names Sunbeam knows. (Look in your samples.csv file if you're not sure of the names). The keys at the beginning of the lines are the group names--you can use any valid Python variable name here. After making this mapping file, make sure to edit your config file to point to this mapping file:

  threads: 4
  group_file: '/path/to/your/mapping.yml'


Finally, run Sunbeam as usual with your extension's target rule specified:

sunbeam run --configfile=sunbeam_config.yml --use-conda all_coassemble

The --use-conda flag is required to let Snakemake know that you want to use the conda environment(s) included with your extension.

This rule generates co-assambled contigs in the following location: sunbeam_output/assembly/coassembly/{group}_final_contigs.fa


  • requirements.txt specifies the extension's dependencies
  • config.yml contains configuration options that can be specified by the user when running an extension
  • sbx_template.rules contains the rules (logic/commands run) of the extension

Installing (legacy instructions for sunbeam <3.0)

Clone the repo into your sunbeam extensions/ folder, installing requirements through Conda, and adding the new options to your existing configuration file. Make sure you've installed Sunbeam first!

source activate sunbeam
git clone https://github.com/sunbeam-labs/sbx_coassembly/ extensions/sbx_coassembly

Add the options to your config file (replace "sunbeam_config.yml" with the name of your config file).

cat extensions/sbx_coassembly/config.yml >> sunbeam_config.yml