
PulseQueryViewer is a Python script for parsing QRadar PULSE Dashboard JSON exports, displaying the results in a color-coded console output or saving them to a CSV file or MD file

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🔍 PulseQueryViewer 🔍 for IBM QRadar SIEM

PulseQueryViewer is a Python script for parsing QRadar PULSE Dashboard JSON exports, displaying the results in a color-coded console output or saving them to a CSV file or MD file.

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📚 Table of Contents

  1. Description
  2. Details
  3. Requirements
  4. Usage
  5. Inputs
  6. Outputs
  7. Functionalities and Key Functions
  8. Error Handling
  9. Notes
  10. Disclaimer

📝 Description

PulseQueryViewer is a Python script designed to parse QRadar Pulse dashboard JSON exports, displaying the query results in a color-coded console output or converting them to a CSV filei or MARKDOWN file. It is meant for users who work with QRadar and need a quick and efficient way to view the AQL queries associated to dasboard widgets.

🛠 Details

Author: Pascal Weber (zoldax)
License: Apache License, Version 2.0

This script is a tool for anyone working with QRadar Pulse dashboards, simplifying the process of exporting and analyzing data.

🔒 Requirements

  • Python 3.x
  • Required Python libraries: json, sys, logging, argparse, csv, os, datetime libraries (usually included with Python 3.x)

🚀 Usage

python PulseQueryViewer.py -f input_file1.json input_file2.json ... [-c output_file.csv] [-m output_file.md]


  • -f, --file: Specify the input JSON file (required).
  • -c, --csv: Specify the output CSV file (optional).
  • -m, --markdown: Output Markdown file (optional).
  • --version: Show the version of the script.

📥 Inputs

  • A JSON QRadar Pulse Dashboard file exported from QRadar.

📤 Outputs

  • Console output of the parsed data with color-coded information.
  • A CSV file of the parsed data (if specified with the -c option).
  • Markdown file of parsed data (if specified).

🎯 Functionalities and Key Functions

  • load_json: Loads the JSON Pulse exported Dashboard file and extracts the queries and dashboard name.
  • extract_queries: Extracts query information and populates the results list.
  • write_csv: Writes the results to a CSV file.
  • write_markdown: Writes the results to a md file.
  • print_results: Prints the results to the console with color-coded output.
  • log_and_exit: Logs an error message to ERROR.log, prints it to the console, and exits the script.

🚫 Error Handling

The script includes error handling for various scenarios such as missing input files, incorrect file extensions, and issues during file processing. All errors are logged to PulseQueryViewer.log.

📝 Notes

  • Make sure that the input JSON file follows the QRadar Pulse Dashboard export format.
  • The script is case-sensitive when dealing with file paths and extensions.

⚠️ Disclaimer

This script is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind. The author and contributors are not responsible for any issues arising from the use of this script. By using this script, you agree to the terms and conditions of the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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