
Primary LanguageCMakeApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ZJ CMake

CMake Format Lint GitHub license

This package provides some basic CMake tools for building and installing modularized C++ projects. It assumes a $client_project to have the following folder structure:

    |-- cmake/
        |-- in-files/   (* cmake config-in file path)
        |-- zj-cmake/   (* this repository as a submodule)
    |-- examples/       (* examples that build executables)
    |-- libs/           (* libraries)
    |-- tests/          (* unit tests)

For details:

Script style guide:

  • for variables, use fooBar;
  • for functions, use foo_bar;
  • for compile definitions to the client C++ project, use __ZJ_PKG_FOO_BAR__;
  • for CMake input arguments, use ZJ_FOO_BAR.

Filename style guide:

  • for files that define functions, use zj_foo_bar.cmake;
  • for files that set variables, use ZJ-foo-bar.cmake;
  • zj-include-all.cmake is reserved to include all utility files, and is used by the client projects in their root CMakeLists.txt file based on the template templates/root-level-CMakeLists.txt.