- 5
TemplateDoesNotExist at / bootstrap4/messages.html
#706 opened by egorsmkv - 2
Template tags and filters docs broken
#667 opened by suspiciousRaccoon - 1
pip install bootstrap4 error.
#315 opened by Vialelin - 5
Missing templates folders in 23.3 release
#661 opened by sandre35 - 3
Three tests fail (test_show_label_skip, test_radio_select, and test_form_check_class)
#439 opened by mcepl - 1
Tag missing/mismatch on Github
#396 opened by jayvdb - 1
support for python 3.10
#358 opened by anukaal - 2
Upgrade importlib_metadata
#380 opened by rixx - 0
Create a Docker Image for the Demo
#531 opened by r4topunk - 1
Django 4 support
#398 opened by dyve - 0
Migrate error in example app
#416 opened by tonimore - 2
Bootstrap4 is not loaded on Django admin template
#428 opened by ShuntaH - 0
dismissible flag for bootstrap_messages?
#348 opened by HendrikVE - 5
- 1
bootstrap_field field form_check_class doesn't overwrite the default checkbox class
#290 opened by ClintGit - 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
Update "latest" label to latest release
#302 opened by louispotok - 1
how to have datepicker
#294 opened by sant527 - 5
- 5
Start with "Why?"
#209 opened by guettli - 2
package depends on sphinx_rtd_theme
#227 opened by jieter - 2
- 1
# Include BOOTSTRAP4_FOLDER in path
#231 opened by winner106 - 2
Customization of message-to-alert mapping
#241 opened by greyhare - 1
- 1
How to have max and min values
#247 opened by sant527 - 2
not showing * for required fields
#252 opened by sant527 - 0
addon_before does not work for models.URLField
#267 opened by igorwolford - 1
#242 opened - 1
Support toasts?
#244 opened by rexzhang - 12
Upgrade To Bootstrap 5
#224 opened by 9mido - 3
Update example README
#239 opened by ktechmidas - 1
Update readthedocs
#254 opened by dfrankow - 1
Bundled Javascript is not part of 3.0.0
#283 opened by CountBigBang - 2
Update to Bootstrap 4.5.2
#233 opened by paulschreiber - 4
Explain how to do theming with django-bootstrap4
#260 opened by dfrankow - 3
Update Bootstrap to 4.6
#253 opened by dfrankow - 1
Modify all field attrs with bootstrap_form?
#249 opened by bsolomon1124 - 2
warning in django logs loading bootstrap css
#235 opened by fcoppey - 4
- 1
Problem when running the example
#226 opened by i-bond - 1
Unable to import the lib on buster
#223 opened by nim65s - 4
- 0
Use Markdown
#220 opened by dyve - 11
Incorrect presentation of ImageField and Label
#212 opened by ArnavVarshney - 2
- 3
- 1