
Ubuntu/Debian package to pull in NextCloud dependencies


Creates a Debian/Ubuntu package nextcloud-deps that depends on the Apache2 and PHP packages required for a NextCloud installation.


Install the Debian equivs package that will build the deb package:

sudo apt install equivs

Build the package:

equivs-build control


Install the package as usual:

sudo apt install ./nextcloud-deps_{VERSION}.deb

Apache2 configuration

Set up for PHP, but do not enable it by default:

sudo a2dismod php8.1 mpm_prefork
sudo a2enmod mpm_event proxy_fcgi setenvif

Instead enable php per virtual host:

# Inside the VirtualHost definition
Include conf-available/php8.1-fpm.conf

Activate the requisite modules for NextCloud

sudo a2enmod rewrite headers env dir mime

Then follow the NextCloud instructions

Updating this deb

To add a new dependency add it to the Depends or Recommends line in the control file.

Then update the changelog file, making sure you bump the version number:

dch -c changelog -v {NEW_VERSION}

Then rebuild. Note that the package version is taken from the top changelog entry.