
Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


C-Frost is a toolbox that helps convert Frost in native C++ Ipopt problems. It has been noticed that running on native C++ significantly improves running speeds compared to running the mexed Ipopt version provided by Frost.

Frost has been tested on native Ubuntu 16.04 and on Ubuntu 16.04 running on WSL.


C-Frost needs Ipopt to be installed on your system to run. You can follow the official documentation, but we recommend you follow the steps we've used here.


Linux/ contains source files to be used when building your Frost problem. For typical cases you won't need to change anything in that folder.

Matlab/ contains Matlab code used to create C++ files from your Frost problem on Matlab.

Examples/ contains some examples including explanation and a small walkthrough of the code.

ThirdPartyLicense/ contains licenses and disclamers from third party code used.


Once done installing all the prerequisits, we recommend going over here to go through the examples and how to use this tool.


Cassie Blue Gait Library Optimization: here