- astromancerSouth African Astronomical Observatory
- CalebBellUniversity of New Brunswick
- currydaiUCAS
- drsteve
- EnsaseMoscow
- fangsfdavid
- galactics
- gregoryngUniversity of Texas at Austin
- hongbo-yaoMacau University of Science and Technology
- ikding@KoBoldMetals
- ivgnkMining Institute
- JasonNg91Earth
- JCBucioBluetab - an IBM Company
- lbenw126
- mattkjames7Leicester, UK
- mayasirina
- mhy-bsi
- mtwalachLancaster University
- mwtoewsGNS Science
- mzliu20
- rzbrkGermany
- s-m-e@pleiszenburg
- slott56Hendersonville, NC
- SobohalqeeqLaboratory of plasma physics
- syys96
- tonalPromsoft Ltd
- VinniDoddu
- wlhniwo
- wudj2110
- yauh-xxBelarus