RANSAC Toolbox by Marco Zuliani email: marco.zuliani@gmail.com ------------------------------- Introduction ------------ This is a research (and didactic) oriented toolbox to explore the RANSAC algorithm. The functions are reasonably well documented and there is a directory containing examples to estimate 2D lines, 3D planes, RST transformations and homographies in presence of outliers. However a previous exposure to the algorithm may be very helpful in understanding the options available. A tutorial introducing RANSAC with several examples using this toolbox can be found in the documentation directory. If you add other examples (i.e. other estimators) please contact me and we can try to improve the package. Of course I also expect some feedback regarding the bugs that might still be present... How To Start ------------ CD to the root directory (i.e. whatever/RANSAC) and launch the script SetLocalPath. Then you may start playing around. Give a look to the folder whatever/RANSAC/Examples where you can find two examples for the estimation of homographies and lines. Templates for the estimation functions and the model fitting error functions can be found in whatever/RANSAC/Models. Run the script RANSAC_update to check if updates are available and to install them. Extras ------ Contains the routines to fit lines, planes, rotation/scale/translation transformations and an homography. Also contains a tutorial/manual abut RANSAC. Warning ------- The examples clear the workspace. I noticed that this practice raised some concerns by some users in this forum, however I believe that sometimes (like in this case) it is an appropriate choice. License ------- This toolbox is distributed under the terms of the GNU LGPL. Please refer to the files COPYING and COPYING.LESSER for more information. Acknowledgments --------------- I would like to thank the following people for their useful feedback: Dong Li - pointed out some bug in the example files Tamar Back - suggested to check the parameter sigma Frederico Lopes - raised the issue of repeated points in the homography estimation Jayanth Nayak - pointed out a bug in the estimation of the lines David Portabella Clotet - pointed out two bugs Chris Volpe - pointed out a bug in handling ind_tabu and random number seed Zhe Zang - noted a ill conditioning related warning in the homography estimation routines Ali Kalihili - pointed out a typo in the tutorial document If you plan to use this software package in and referenced published material (e.g. conferences, journals, workshops...) an acknowledgment will be greatly appreciated as well as a copy of your publication. Here are a couple of templates for bibtex: @misc{Zuliani08a, author={M. Zuliani}, title={RANSAC toolbox for Matlab}, howpublished={[web page] http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/18555 }, year={Nov. 2008}, note={[Accessed on ## set the date ##]}, } @techreport{Zuliani08b, author = "M. Zuliani", title = "RANSAC for Dummies", month = "Nov.", year = "2008" } Updates History (Discontinued: check the log on github) ------------------------------------------------------- - Jul 2014: Added support for parameters structure to be passed to the evalaution and estiamtion functions (see test_RANSAC_circles.m) - Jan 2012: Migrating to github. From now on please check the update history on github. - Nov 2011: Fixed some bugs in the example scripts. - August 2011: General fixes. Added affine model. - 18 October 2009: Fixed a bug in get_minimal_sample_set.m to handle the tabu indices. Improved RST estimation routines. Major improvement in the manual/tutorial - ?? February 2009: Modified the get_consensus_set_cost. Added the MLESAC mode. Updated the manual/tutorial - 27 November 2008: Fixed a bug in the parameter check in the error estimation routines. Added options to validate the MSS, the parameter vector and to re-estimate the parameters. Added line estimation routines. Modified the get_minimal_sample_set function. Added manual/tutorial. - 29 June 2008: Included the ind_tabu and seed_fix options. Modified the interface for the estimation routines and the fitting error routines. Improved the documentation. Some other general improvements. - 10 July 2008: Included the routines for 3D plane estimation. Fixed a bug in the threshold selection for lines. Some other general improvements and fixes in the help of the functions. - 25 July 2008: Added self update procedure: RANSAC_update.m Thanks for your interest, Marco Zuliani
A toolbox to experiment with the RANSAC algorithm for Matlab and Octave