
Error in VCF format?

xiweiwu opened this issue · 1 comments

I have generated VCF file using VarScan2. However, it seems that VarTrix does not detect any variants in the vcf file. Is there an example VCF file that I can look at to make sure my VCF format is correct?

[E::vcf_hdr_read] No sample line
22:19:44 [ERROR] Warning! Zero variants found in input VCF. Output matrices will be by definition empty but will still be generated.
22:19:44 [ERROR] The resulting matrix has a sum of 0. Did you use the --umi flag on data without UMIs?

@xiweiwu my apologies for the delay. Are you still having this issue? If so, please post some example entries from the VCF you are using. Thanks!.