4Players ODIN Transport for Mirror Networking

This is a transport for the Mirror Networking Multiplayer Framework for Unity which uses 4Players ODIN to send and receive data.

ODIN Transport is designed to work in combination with the ODIN Voice Chat service, but can be used without utilizing voice.



  1. Install Mirror into your project using the package manager. Mirror is available on the Unity Asset Store.
  2. Download the latest ODIN Unity SDK .unitypackage from the Github Releases page and import into your project.
  3. Locate the OdinManager_NetworkingVariant prefab at Packages/4Players ODIN Transport for Mirror Networking/Prefabs and drop it into your scene.
  4. Select the OdinManager GameObject, click on the Manage Access button under Client Authentication and generate an Access Key.
  5. Attach a NetworkManager component to a GameObject in your Scene.
  6. Attach a Odin Transport component to the same GameObject as the NetworkManager
  7. Drag the Odin Transport component into the Transport slot on the NetworkManager

That's all you need to setup the Odin Transport layer in your project.

More Information

For more information on Access Keys or how to setup ODIN Voice Chat in your project, take a look at our ODIN-Unity Guides page or our ODIN Basics Tutorial on Youtube.