
Update of computational efficiency

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Issue to update the performance of the payload-aware planner in terms of computational efficiency. The information will be integrated in the paper for IROS 2022 submission

I conducted 5 trials of every simulation and then I will compute the mean of the optimization times. The 5 trials had been done with ma57 linear solver and adaptive mu_strategy.

Sc. 1:
time: 373,17ms + 370,97ms + 382,96ms + 376,83ms + 372,78ms
iterations = 44 + 44 + 44 + 44 + 44

Sc. 2:
time: 400,19ms + 399,29ms + 402,48ms + 396,61ms + 398,67ms
iterations = 46 + 46 + 46 + 46 + 46

time: (350,60ms+386,55ms+391,23ms+277,06ms) +(348,06ms+377,93ms+400,50ms+278,30ms) + (355,03ms+380,83ms+393,08ms+276,62ms) + (354,62ms+389,29ms+395,64ms+276,38ms) + (359,84ms+387,79ms+390,91ms+286,44ms)
iterations: (41+45+47+61) + (41+45+47+61) + same as before