
Updated debians with simulator

Closed this issue · 5 comments

in the following zip you can find the updated debians with also the simulator which was missing in the previous set of debians:

Please download it, run the and then reinstall the new debians.

with @alaurenzi we fixed the debians of our software stack, which you can find in the following zip:

First uninstall the previous installed debians using the distributed with the previous debians. After the installation remember to put in your .bashrc the source of the file contained in the debians.
To test the debians first try to compile and run your code.
Second to test the simulation be sure to have the iit-centauro-ros-pkg in your catkin_ws. You can check if running:
roscd centauro_urdf
take to the corresponding folder inside the package.
If so goes inside the iit-centauro-ros-pkg/centauro_config/ and run:
set_xbto_config centauro_example.yaml
roslaunch centauro_gazebo centauro_world.launch.
If everything went fine you should see gazebo opening and CENTAURO spawned. Press the play button on the down bar and you should see the robot standing still.

At this point you can take the robot in the homing position just running on another terminal:
rosservice call /xbotcore/HomingExample_switch 1
once the robot is in the homing position just run
rosservice call /xbotcore/HomingExample_switch 0
To send joint space trajectories from CartesI/O you have to first enable run:
/xbotcore/XBotCommunicationPlugin_switch 1
at this point you should be able to see both the robots in RVIZ and gazebo moving when running the IK.

Please report HERE any problem you will encount.

Please add the following lines to the included prior to installation (or re-install after updating it)

mkdir -p $HOME/.xbot
touch $HOME/.xbot/active_config
export XBOT_CONFIG=$HOME/.xbot/active_config

Since you're not using our superbuild environment, you'll probably have issues with the paths inside the configuration file (they are relative to the superbuild itself). To adapt to your catkin-based setup, please do the following:

  • open the configuration file (e.g. open_xbot_config)
  • remove the leading robots/ folder from all paths
  • in your .bashrc, add export XBOT_ROOT=<path_to_catkin_ws>/src
  • reload all terminals

We have followed the steps you provided. Anyway, the problem seems to be similar the the one encountered last week: in rviz we see only the arms of centauro, while in gazebo it falls as soon as we push the play button.

Please note that we have removed the folder centauro-simulator-master from the catkin workspace. We have also tried to keep it: we see centauro in rviz but we get the following error when launching gazebo as @EnricoMingo wrote

multiple files named [centauro_world.launch] in package [centauro_gazebo]:
- /home/matteo/catkin_ws/src/centauro-simulator-master/centauro_gazebo/launch/centauro_world.launch
- /home/matteo/catkin_ws/src/iit-centauro-ros-pkg-master/centauro_gazebo/launch/centauro_world.launch
Please specify full path instead
The traceback for the exception was written to the log file