Help Option is Broken

PiyushSaini97 opened this issue · 13 comments

I'm trying to install Fault on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2). I installed prerequisites for the software and all of them are working fine. However, when I try to install Fault in my system, it gives me an error. Find the image below-


I don't understand what the error is about.

Note: I did not install Atalanta or PODEM as they were optional and thought to use the software's pattern generation

Please help.


I'm trying to install Fault on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2). I installed prerequisites for the software and all of them are working fine. However, when I try to install Fault in my system, it gives me an error. Find the image below-


I don't understand what the error is about.

Note: I did not install Atalanta or PODEM as they were optional and thought to use the software's pattern generation

Please help.


I also encountered this problem. Then I changed the swift version to 5.2, and the problem was solved.You can try this method

donn commented

@Zhaowenqing is correct: Fault supports Swift 5.2+ as shown in

I'll add like a little GitHub badge to emphasize this in the Readme.

donn commented


I was using the latest version of swift(5.4.1) for installation purpose and encountered this error. Is it that the software can be built using only swift 5.2?

donn commented

Um, not really. That's quite interesting. I'll have to take another look.

Hi. I was able to install the software this time with the help of swift 5.3. I had to move from WSL to ubuntu OS for the installation.
While installing I ran into two other problems.

  1. I was not able to install the atalanta and podem files. It gave me error of URLexecutable.
  2. After going through all the steps given in, I was shown a message "installed". But when I tried running the software, my system prompted "fault not found". I double checked the bin folder to ensure that it was installed.


Please help.

donn commented

The warnings are expected.

The issue is actually what you see right after Swift's warnings: sh: 1: curl: not found. You need to install curl: sudo apt-get install curl. There's a slight API deviation between Linux and macOS in Swift that requires Linux to use a slightly older API, triggering those warnings.

As for Fault not being found, that's because your ~/bin folder is not in PATH. You'll need to add export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH; to your ~/.profile.

Alternatively, you can do INSTALL_DIR=/usr/local/bin swift install.swift to install to a folder known to be in PATH.

As an aside, you're invoking the Atalanta/PODEM installers using EXEC_PREFIX=</usr/local/bin>. This is not a valid path: the tutorial shows the <> to indicate that this can be changed.

Thank you for your time. Fault installed perfectly. But this time I encountered another problem. When I tried fault --help, it prompted me to invoke it again.


I encountered this for fault synth --help and fault tap --help as well. Other help commands worked.

Also, when I tried installing atalanta once again it gave me another error (referenced in the image).

donn commented

Confirmed issue. I think I botched it while trying to enforce "required" flags...

So should I reinstall Fault in order to use the updated one?

donn commented

Give me a moment to push the update.

donn commented

Sorry for the inconvenience, the latest update should fix this issue. Also:

sudo ./atalanta_podem_build.swift

Swift is not in your root user's path, which is causing this failure. Try sudo $(which swift) ./atalanta_podem_build.swift). I'll update to reflect this.

Ok. Thank you for your time.