
launch files: write launch files for pid callibration

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launch files represents the mode in which we will run code. Ideally we should not need to run nodes ourself. Right now we have 2 set of launch files. One for launching everything with gazebo and one with hardware_layer. But now we have a third case where we would need to run some specific nodes for callibration of pid (on gazebo and on hardware) so I propose we write a new set of launch files which would start hardware layer and gazebo with topic remapping. meaning that the topics from sensors will be renames to topics we use to tell motion nodes what is the current position. Like /varun/sensors/pressure_sensor/depth should be remapped to /zDistance during callibration so that upward node pid can be callibrated using pressure sensor data. similarly for /varun/sensors/imu/yaw should be mapped to /yaw. So we can have launch file in motion_commons which launches motion_nodes.launch along with rqt_reconfig and launches one of hardware_nodes_pid.launch or debug_nodes_pid.launch. Where xyz_pid.launch are the respective launch files with topic remapping.