Pinned issues
- 2
- 2
Iterator-based parser
#53 opened by elpiel - 21
Supporting additional sentences
#54 opened by elpiel - 5
Tests for sentences/
#25 opened by hargoniX - 1
Configurable GSA fix_stas_prn size
#115 opened by elpiel - 3
Parsing of vendor-specific extended sentences that are not included in the `SentenceType` fails.
#90 opened by ekuinox - 3
Support defmt
#92 opened by PegasisForever - 0
Formatting/serialization support
#100 opened by elpiel - 1
xxGNS parsing issue
#108 opened by StefanB7 - 0
- 0
#derive[Serialize] for chrono::NaiveTime uses collect_str which cannot be used in no_std
#105 opened by 0xf4lc0n - 7
Enable sentences with features
#91 opened by elpiel - 2
Increase test coverage.
#11 opened by hargoniX - 0
CI: Fix code coverage reporting
#79 opened by elpiel - 0
Update README/docs for a new release
#74 opened by elpiel - 0
Fix chrono deprecation warning
#69 opened by elpiel - 1
MWV and MDA to "all supported messages" test
#70 opened by elpiel - 5
- 1
Not all parts of a RMC sentence are parsed
#60 opened by elpiel - 0
Update README - what is NMEA 0183
#65 opened by elpiel - 1
Additional message types support
#47 opened by elpiel - 2
Fix failing test
#55 opened by elpiel - 0
README update - Contributing & dual license
#48 opened by elpiel - 3
Don't panic
#12 opened by hargoniX - 4
- 4
AIS NMEA messages
#46 opened by elpiel - 1
What is the MSRV?
#42 opened by elpiel - 18
Refactoring this into *the* rust nmea parser
#9 opened by hargoniX - 10
- 0
Try to avoid alloc
#13 opened by hargoniX - 2
Tags for versions 0.1 & 0.2
#44 opened by elpiel - 1
More complete docs
#21 opened by Owez - 8
Stack overflow
#2 opened by dvtomas