
unexpected keyword argument 'collapse_to_SBS96'

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I am trying to run the sigprofilerextractor() function as following:

#exome = TRUE #when WES turn TRUE
#minimum_signatures= 1,
#maximum_signatures= 25,
#nmf_replicates= 100,
#min_nmf_iterations = 10000,
#max_nmf_iterations =1000000,
#nmf_test_conv = 10000,
#nmf_tolerance = 0.00000001,

The type of inputdata file is vcf format.

I am having the following error when trying to run:
Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) :
TypeError: sigProfilerExtractor() got an unexpected keyword argument 'collapse_to_SBS96'

Dear @togasaki1220,

I have just transferred your issue to the appropriate repo, as you are asking about the sigprofilerextractor function.

Could you please check that you have the latest versions of both the SigProfilerExtractorR R wrapper (v1.1.16) and the associated SigProfilerExtractor python package (v1.1.20)?

Please let us know and reopen the ticket if you are still having this issue after updating the versions of SigProfilerExtractorR and SigProfilerExtractor. Thanks for your interest!