
Practice code of ROS(Robot opreating System)

Primary LanguageCMake


Practice code of ROS(Robot opreating System)

Tip: First go through README file before reading code


Basic Code in C++ and Python : tutorial_ws
Robot modeling using urdf and xacro : robot_modeling_ws
Simulating robots in gazebo using ROS : gazebo_ros_ws

Sample Codes

Simple Subscriber and Publisher in C++ : demo_cpp
Simple Subscriber and Publisher in Python : demo_python
Launch whole ROS code from launch file : demo_launch
Creating Custom Msg in ROS (Python): demo_custom_msg
ROS services in C++ : demo_service_cpp
ROS services in python : demo_service_python
ROS actions in C++ : demo_action_cpp
ROS actions in python : demo_action_python

Pan tilt model using urdf : pan_tilt_xacro
Pan tilt model using xacro : pan_tilt_urdf
mobile robot using xacro : mobile_robot

Spawning Seven DOF Arm in Gazebo : seven_dof_arm
Spawning and Analysing Mobile Robot in Gazebo : differential_wheeled_robot_gazebo
[ Controller ] Publish values of /cmd_vel using keboar input : robot_controller_keyboard