Position-Based Visual Servo with an ArUco marker as the target. Additionally, a graphic unit interface is displayed to show the movements to do to reach the final position. It is in OpenCV 4.6.0.
- AhmadMec
- amir-noohian
- CelesteSora
- ChenxMa
- Eden-Wu
- JerryBonjour
- levicorpus0407
- lukehamilton2000London
- LuvHayoung
- ProgrammingAlessandro
- saracen24Kazan
- shaido987Noah's Ark Lab @huawei-noah
- stunbackHITsz
- WallNutssIndonesia
- wei-hsuan-chengRobots and Medical Mechatronics Lab (RMML), National Taiwan University (NTU)
- yungkun