
Cross compile tool based on rpi-bullseye-ros2

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Cross compile tool based on rpi-bullseye-ros2

Install (create alias)

git clone https://github.com/Ar-Ray-code/rpi-bullseye-ros2-xcompile
cd rpi-bullseye-ros2-xcompile
bash create_alias.bash
source ~/.bashrc

Build your packages

xcompile_rpi_ros2 [TARGET ROS2 WORKSPACE] [Bash_SCRIPT(optional)]

  • TARGET ROS2 WORKSPACE : Target ROS2 workspace (relative paths are also acceptable)
  • Bash_SCRIPT (optional) : Bash script file to be executed within Docker (Default : ${SCRIPT_DIR}/scripts/build_command.bash)

Building example pkg (image_common)

mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src/
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/ros-perception/image_common -b ros2
xcompile_rpi_ros2 ~/ros2_ws
# After a successful build
ls ~/ros2_ws
#> build_built_pkg_rpi  built_pkg_rpi  built_pkg_rpi_<unixtime>.zip log src



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