
Can I use it? "wind-effects-system"

GreenPine-CK opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I'd like to try applying WIND in ardupilot_gz.

Is it impossible to implement it yet?


Should I copy and paste the code on the link below?


I'm always thankful

Yea, you can add a world with wind. That would be great.

Hi. Can you give me some ideas on how to apply wind environment to the ardupilot gazebo?

Yea, try copy and pasting that code and seeing how it works. Set the wind super high and see if the model gets blown away.

Well, when I copied and pasted the code in the link above, no gusts or winds apply... I'm entering it in the .world file, right?

Well, when I copied and pasted the code in the link above, no gusts or winds apply... I'm entering it in the .world file, right?

Gazebo harmonic doesn't use files that end in .world.

If so... Can you tell me where to copy and paste? I tried to use the bi-copter.sdf and wind together for the past few weeks, but it failed.. Can you help me?