A 2D Unity simulation in which cars learn to navigate themselves through different courses. The cars are steered by a feedforward neural network. The weights of the network are trained using a modified genetic algorithm.
- alperbek
- aminerahmouni@Microsoft
- apprentice3dAutodesk
- codeoneclicknone
- daeyeonSeoul, KR
- eleree
- enricmcalvo
- ero
- fdsagiziMadOut Games
- franklin02Boise State University
- garygan89
- hytrex
- jhcloos
- jjdblastShanghai
- JJLynn
- justicelee
- kaloyanPlovdiv, Bulgaria
- kekidy
- LaurentThiolFrance
- ludo6577VDSYS
- lukemonaghanAura Labs
- LycheusUNSW
- magneval
- mallegrini
- maphysart
- marcioDomingues
- nharlow89
- nunolourencoUniversity of Coimbra
- ppmorgado
- robinarthurBerlin
- RonieNeubauerPicPay
- smetlov
- tcrouchcalif
- TheLinkerBs. As., Argentina
- wolskiru
- x4637x