Pursuing B-Tech in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Interested in Robotics and ROS
Pinned Repositories
In this project, I used a trained image classifier/trained neural network to classify images of dogs (by breeds) and compared the output with the known dog breed classification.
By developing this project we will know How to perform the forward kinematics of the 3-DOF planar robot of given DH parameters using Robo Analyzer—plotting the values of the end-effector coordinates. Calculating the end-effector position for a given set of shared values, using transformation matrices, and verifying with Robo Analyzer.
Project code for AI Programming with Python ND Program
Autonomous Mobile Robot Pallet Trucks
A two-wheel self-balancing robot based on the Arduino micro-controller using LQR System
Gazebo database of SDF models. This is a predecessor to
3D printing for Mobile Robots Course Repository
Robot Operating System course provided by Udemy and the author is Anis Koubaa. Project contains ROS basic file system, ROS Service, ROS Message, ROS Communication etc and C++ & python both programming languages are used.
Robotics simulations using Webots
Ashish080213's Repositories
A two-wheel self-balancing robot based on the Arduino micro-controller using LQR System
Robot Operating System course provided by Udemy and the author is Anis Koubaa. Project contains ROS basic file system, ROS Service, ROS Message, ROS Communication etc and C++ & python both programming languages are used.
By developing this project we will know How to perform the forward kinematics of the 3-DOF planar robot of given DH parameters using Robo Analyzer—plotting the values of the end-effector coordinates. Calculating the end-effector position for a given set of shared values, using transformation matrices, and verifying with Robo Analyzer.
AWS DeepRacer Student is a place for high school and college-enrolled learners around the globe to develop machine learning (ML) skills. It provides access to educational material, the optional AWS AI & ML Scholarship program, and the opportunity to train and test reinforcement learning (RL) models for the AWS DeepRacer Student League.
Flappy Bird is an arcade-style game in which the player controls the bird Faby, which moves persistently to the right. The player is tasked with navigating Faby through pairs of pipes that have equally sized gaps placed at random heights.
Guessing the number Game using C language
In this project, kinematic analysis is done using a Robo-analyzer to find out the position of the tool for different joint variables. Structural analysis is carried out to determine the payload of the SCARA Robot using Ansys Workbench.
Snake game is a computer action game, whose goal is to control a snake to move and collect food in a map. In this Snake game, the player uses the WASD keys to move a "snake" around the board. As the snake finds food, it eats the food and thereby grows larger. The game ends when the snake either hits itself or moves into itself.
Notes accompanying the Robot Ignite Academy ROBOT CREATION WITH URDF Course