- 775343518Lanzhou University
- adlerguo
- Amling2017Sichuan University
- AwenboccPolyU
- baeseongsuKAIST
- benjaminirvingOxford
- c-haos-onfusion
- CCYChongyanChenscut; ut-austin
- changlabntu
- chaumngNomi city
- clytze0216
- csbliu
- Dbassqwer
- famishedfish
- FuzesunshineBUPT
- gong-xuan
- haifangongSYSU
- JosephChenHubThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Lauv-1
- liam0949PolyU
- lycutter
- MinghuiChen43University of British Columbia
- mingtop
- PengPeixi
- RuilingZ
- ShanshanSoongThe Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- strategist922Microsoft
- SWKoreaBMEUniversity of Toronto
- WenlongZhang0517ShanghaiAILab AI4Science
- XrosLiang
- yf817
- yuncheng97The Chinese University of HongKong, Shenzhen
- zdaruahehe
- zhang-yu-weiCA, USA
- zmughalWashington, D.C. - Baltimore, Maryland area, United States of America, Earth, Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
- ZZdozeoff