Valencia Region Image Bank (BIMCV) that combines data from the PadChest dataset with future datasets based on COVID-19 pathology to provide the open scientific community with data of clinical-scientific value that helps early detection of COVID-19
- alabargaExperimental Serendipity
- aurimlMedbravo
- benjaminirvingOxford
- bganglia
- c10aUniversitat Politècnica de València
- CarlaRom
- cbh6Elche, Alicante
- ConfuseziusUniversity of Tuebingen
- croakthunderNanjing, China
- degerliTurkey
- diegobenedictoadidas
- DviejopomataAlicante, Spain
- eblancohTelefónica Digital España S.L.U
- eperezp1990KDIS Research Group
- frantsao@Telefonica
- godiez
- ianholingMetódica
- ignacio-scarinci
- iMartinezMateu
- ipediez
- jarain78Lecturer UBU
- javipalancaUniversitat Politècnica de València
- jeremykohn
- jmpereztorres
- LoserSun
- maigimenezLondon
- MarioProjectsValencia
- mrtj@Neosperience
- MSC19950601
- nicolasperezdeoTeleMedC
- puneethrj
- raruidolARG-tech | Centre for Argument Technology
- RParedesPalaciosPRHLT - UPV - IASolver
- sergivalverdetensormedical
- shpotesGoogle
- zhoujieliPalo Alto