- 2
Document the things
#97 opened by A1Liu - 8
Request to add an endpoint that lists semesters for which data is available
#105 opened by zhumingcheng697 - 4
- 0
generateScheduleEndpoint bug
#90 opened by Kn99HN - 1
Use the godawful new NYU Course Search
#107 opened by A1Liu - 0
Frontend bug
#102 opened by Kn99HN - 1
Project future
#106 opened by zhumingcheng697 - 7
Fall 2022 Data
#104 opened by anthonysukotjo - 6
Professor endpoints
#63 opened by Kn99HN - 1
- 10
Duplicate values in Instructor table
#66 opened by Kn99HN - 2
- 3
Code comments
#31 opened by Kn99HN - 5
- 4
Official API?
#96 opened by calvinatian - 1
Schedge to alert when courses are open
#93 opened by Kn99HN - 4
- 2
Data for Fall 2021
#94 opened by anthonysukotjo - 4
RMP Review Scraping
#68 opened by Kn99HN - 2
Course found on only on search endpoint
#87 opened by esilverm - 1
Update Bobcat Search link in README
#86 opened by esilverm - 6
gradle buiild fails on java version 14.0.2
#85 opened by robotrobo - 3
Support Windows development
#14 opened by A1Liu - 2
Gradle: A problem was found with the configuration of task ':startScripts' (type 'CreateStartScripts'). > No value has been specified for property 'mainClassName'.
#77 opened by yuchenliu15 - 6
Scraping Exception
#75 opened by Kn99HN - 4
Documentation Improvements
#69 opened by NicholasLYang - 1
Remove jOOQ as a dependency
#72 opened by A1Liu - 1
Data from previous semester
#71 opened by Kn99HN - 4
- 6 not compiling
#67 opened by mapuya19 - 1
Should dataset be in this repository?
#62 opened by Kn99HN - 1
Adding Filtering options
#55 opened by Kn99HN - 1
Search Functionality Fails on String
#48 opened by A1Liu - 1
Improve docs with RMP ID information
#43 opened by A1Liu - 1
Duplicate school names with different code
#50 opened by Kn99HN - 2
Build failed
#49 opened by Kn99HN - 1
Current Term service
#35 opened by A1Liu - 3
Lower Detail Level Queries
#47 opened by A1Liu - 9
Performance Issues with Many-to-Many relationship
#42 opened by A1Liu - 4
Suggested Renamings
#45 opened by NicholasLYang - 1
Document Database Schema
#44 opened by A1Liu - 1
Native HTTPS Support
#41 opened by A1Liu - 1
Timestamps are sent in wrong time zone
#17 opened by A1Liu - 1
Selection Services takes too long
#40 opened by A1Liu - 1
Migration to SQLite
#38 opened by A1Liu - 1
Not handling when classes are pulled
#20 opened by A1Liu - 3
Duplicate section on scrape
#21 opened by NicholasLYang - 2
- 2
More details on CLI commands?
#24 opened by Imsiaocong - 3
Courses Endpoint broken
#16 opened by A1Liu