
An application that streamlines orthorectification and kelp area calculation.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Last Commit Action Status Issues GitHub Release Code style: black License

A tool that streamlines orthorectification and kelp identification in a simple to use interface.


You must have administrator privileges on windows to run KelPy.

Flags and variables

Image Folder - Directory where your drone images are stored.

Results Folder - Directory where you want to store the results.

Pixel Buffer - A glint-mask-generator flag. Default is 5. Higher values take more processing time.

Quality - ODM option to determine quality of the orthomosaic generated. Default is high. Higher values take more processing power.

Crop - ODM option to crop dataset boundaries. Default is 0.

Feature-type algorithm - ODM option to determine feature types. Default is sift.

Species classification - Kelp-o-matic option to determine whether or not to differentiate between bullkelp and giantkelp.

Orthomosaic File - The orthomosaic image you want to process.

Results Folder - The folder you want to save your results to.

GSD (Ground Sampling Distance) - Sampling distance calculated in the orthorectification step. Should be located in the ODM report.


This application uses code from the following repositories:


