
Outdated static_assert error message

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Hello !

I had an outdated message error in the following case (where by mistake I forget to add the onHalted method)

main.cpp:104:64:   required from here
/usr/local/include/behaviortree_cpp/bt_factory.h:363:19: error: static assertion failed: The given type can't be abstract
  363 |     static_assert(!std::is_abstract_v<T>, "The given type can't be abstract");
      |                   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/usr/local/include/behaviortree_cpp/bt_factory.h:374:19: error: static assertion failed: [registerNode]: since you have a static method providedPorts(),
you MUST add a constructor with signature:
(const std::string&, const NodeParameters&)

  374 |     static_assert(!(has_static_ports_list && !param_constructable),

Here is the code:

class MoveToXYZAction : public BT::StatefulActionNode

    MoveToXYZAction(const std::string& name, const BT::NodeConfig& config)
        : BT::StatefulActionNode(name, config)

    static BT::PortsList providedPorts()
        return { BT::InputPort<Id>("arm") };

    virtual BT::NodeStatus onStart() override
        return BT::NodeStatus::RUNNING;

    virtual BT::NodeStatus onRunning() override
        return BT::NodeStatus::SUCCESS;

    // To produce the previous error message
    // virtual void onHalted() override {}

Ok my class is still abstract because of missing override onHalted method but:

  • you MUST add a constructor with signature: (const std::string&, const NodeParameters&) this message is outdated. It should be NodeConfig instead of NodeParameters.
  • I have already the correct constructor so it's confusing to get the point between abstracted class, constructor and providedPorts(). The second message should not be displayed in all cases. I know this may be complex to separate error mesages.


@facontidavide Perfect ! I tried both cases: both messages are separated :)