I create websites, implement ideas and offer software solutions. And I share my knowledge with the world. I have experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, React, PHP and MySQL, Python and I am always ready to learn new things. Feel free to visit my website 🌐 book-of-coding.com
- WebDevelopment Basics - Basics Guide for web developers
- HTML Guide - Detailed guide about HTML5 (all basics for HTML)
- HTML Cheat Sheets - All HTML5 elements and their attributes
- CSS Guide - Detailed guide about CSS (Introduction to CSS, CSS Selectors, Inheritance and the cascade, CSS Box Model, CSS Positioning, Flexbox, Responsive Web Design, CSS Grid Layout, Styling with CSS, Testing and Organizing)
- Sass and SCSS Basic Guide - An introduction to the CSS preprocessor Sass
- The Bootstrap framework - Introduction to the use of Bootstrap
- JS Introduction - An introduction to JavaScript
- Arrays, functions, objects in JS - Introduction: Arrays, functions and objects in JavaScript
- DOM - Document Object Model - Introduction to the DOM and the DOM manipulation - Change web pages dynamically with JavaScript
- Introduction to Web APIs - Introduction to Web APIs: Video and Audio API, Canvas 2D API, Geolocation API, Drag & Drop API, Offline Data, Web Workers, Server-Sent Events...
- An introduction to Ajax and jQuery - An introduction to Ajax and jQuery programming
- Basics of ReactJS - Introduction to the basics of React
Learn more about JavaScript at book-of-coding.com 
- Audio Analyser - Simple music player with graphic analyser - build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Budget Planner - build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Password Generator - build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- BinaryCode Translator - Translates text into a binary code - build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Stopwatch - build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Fortune Cookie Generator - build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Meme Generator - build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Calculator - simple calculator build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Code in the bugs - CSS-Animation - Bugs everywhere build with HTML, CSS
- Click me, If you can - a stubborn button, build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Mood Cube - HTML Image map + Tutorial
- Animated pop-up navbar - Animated pop-up navbar - build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- follow_X - Simple text animation build with HTML, CSS
- Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock - game build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Breakout - game build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Ping Pong - game build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Snake - game build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Tic Tac Toe - game build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Motocross Rally - game build with HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Simple calculator - Simple calculator build with ReactJS
- ToDo-list - ToDo list build with ReactJS
- Autohotkeys for MIDI Controller/Keyboard - reprogram MIDI keyboard with Autohotkey