
moving from CRAN to Bioconductor

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lshep commented

currently BiocCheck issues an ERROR when a package is already on CRAN. We want the package to eventually be removed but after speaking with Uwe and Kurt from CRAN we think it should be removed after the package is in a release version of Bioconductor as not many general users would use a R-devel/BiocDevel and that would limit the disruption to anyone wanting to use the package.

After also speaking with Vince we think that this should be taken down from an ERROR to at least a WARNING If not a NOTE and expand the message to say something along the lines that it is expect the package will be removed from CRAN once in Bioconductor release.

I'll encourage reviewers to tag me and to make sure there is a discussion in the review about eventually removing from CRAN.

I will update to have a section about this too.