- 3
Fails to print deprecated package names
#217 opened by ChangqingW - 0
Add check for `fnd` role in `DESCRIPTION` file
#215 opened by LiNk-NY - 1
Possible bug in .getTokenTextCode
#214 opened by llrs - 9
One test fails on PPC: Error in checkEqualsNumeric(9, .BiocCheck$getNum("warning")): Mean relative difference: 0.1111111
#188 opened by barracuda156 - 1
- 5
Rd files with \docType{data} or \docType{class} should not be required to have a \value section
#211 opened by hpages - 1
- 5
- 1
- 6
False positive warning during BiocCheck - Bioconductor software dependencies
#207 opened by boyiguo1 - 4
bioc-devel mailing list check still not always accurate
#205 opened by lshep - 1
Add WARNING if package uses .Rnw vignettes
#190 opened by jwokaty - 2
Clarification on the regex used for detecting installation (of R packages?) on the vignette
#192 opened by lcolladotor - 2
BiocCheck() dies on some packages before completing
#199 opened by hpages - 17
False positive in .Rbuildignore check
#197 opened by LiNk-NY - 0
BiocCheck false positives
#201 opened by hpages - 2
Addressing "Checking if other packages can import this one" errors when packages providing functions are imported in NAMESPACE
#200 opened by jmitchell81 - 4
False positive error about file sizes
#198 opened by const-ae - 1
include macros location when using Rdpack
#196 opened by LiNk-NY - 0
Error in unloadNamespace(pkg_ns)
#195 opened by hpages - 1
"Sweave Noweb syntax?" popup windows
#193 opened by hpages - 6
Error when checking for deprecated package usage
#194 opened by catavallejos - 1
What is codetoolsBioC ?
#191 opened by grimbough - 2
- 0
BiocCheck for function length fails if there is no R code
#186 opened by lshep - 2
Check of individual file sizes not accurate?
#167 opened by lshep - 4
vapply error on badViews on version 1.34.2
#184 opened by lcolladotor - 3
- 3
`BiocCheck` reports false function lengths
#183 opened by kakopo - 6
.RData files not caught by BiocCheckGitClone()
#155 opened by hpages - 3
`BiocCheck`: failing on bioconductor devel
#174 opened by bschilder - 2
Make BiocCheck output legible.
#179 opened by nick-robo - 0
moving from CRAN to Bioconductor
#177 opened by lshep - 2
More than 2 YAML front matter delimiters ... false positive in profileScoreDist
#178 opened by vjcitn - 1
Use IS_BIOC_BUILD_MACHINE envvar to identify BBS
#176 opened by LiNk-NY - 2
Warning in nzchar(fpath) && !
#171 opened by Shians - 1
Tests failing with knitr 1.40
#168 opened by nileshpatra - 3
can crash if BiocPkgTools attached
#158 opened by vjcitn - 4
- 1
catch eval=F in vignettes
#164 opened by LiNk-NY - 4
T/F false positive
#161 opened by lshep - 0
Spacing after end-of-sentence in some messages
#162 opened by mtmorgan - 0
- 7
description length check / false positive
#160 opened by lshep - 1
Detailed Information does not seem correct
#159 opened by lshep - 1
BiocCheckGitClone output
#156 opened by lshep - 3
"Checking Package Dependencies" emits an obscure warning with BiocCheck 1.31.36
#154 opened by hpages - 3
Warning when including BiocManager code in vignette
#152 opened by lmweber - 2
too many reports of = for assignment
#149 opened by vjcitn - 1
`cat()` is appropriate inside S3 print methods
#150 opened by mtmorgan