
Context specific eQTL with no overlapping individuals

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hello. Thank you for developing this great tool.
I was able to run this for the toy data, but I realized that I could not use this tool for my dataset as is because my data are animals raised in three conditions, and I do not have data for multiple conditions of the same individual.

They are genetically homogeneous populations that are divided into three separate groups. Is there any way to use this tool for such a data set? Or, do you know of a good tool for context-specific eQTL for non-overlapping individuals?

So far, I have tried PICALO but it did not work well in my environment.

I appreciate your help.

Thank you very much for your prompt reply...!
Yes, "find eQTLs with effect size heterogeneity in the three conditions" are what I am interested in.
Such as below - this is just one example.

Screenshot 2022-11-08 at 22 06 32

Yes, I managed to make the model work on R for testing! Thanks a lot.