
:hammer: Shared library for writing Captain extensions

Primary LanguageC#


version: 0.1 license: Public Domain/MIT

Shared library for Captain extension developers

What's this?

Captain is an application for capturing the screen. This is a library that implements common source code shared among the different application modules, including third-party extensions.

Building from source

Environment Requirements

  • Windows 7 SP1 or newer (build only tested on latest Windows 10)
  • Visual Studio 2017 or newer (Community edition is fine)
    VS 2015 will most likely not work.


$ git clone https://github.com/CaptainApp/Captain.Common
$ cd Captain.Common
$ nuget restore
$ devenv Captain.Common.csproj /Build

Adding Captain.Common to my project

You could just add a reference to the Captain.Common.dll file on the Captain application directory. But we're not savages, we do NuGet:

PM> Install-Package Captain.Common

Or at least we will, once we reach a stable release. For the time being, you can hack it around by building from source.

Distributing your plugin

Just ship your assembly DLL and Captain will take care of the rest. Do not include a copy of the Captain.Common assembly alongside yours, Captain will use the latest version and will try to remain backwards-compatible.


None yet (:


The following files are licensed under the MIT license and copyrighted by third-parties. Refer to the Source/Native/README.md file for further details on authoring, licensing and copyrights.

  • Gdi32/Gdi32.cs
  • User32/POINT.cs
  • User32/RECT.cs
  • User32/User32.cs
  • User32/WINDOWPOS.cs

All other source files are released into the public domain unless otherwise stated.