Suppose a voltage is a random variable $X$ with normal distribution, the mean value is $5$, and the variance is $0.1$; The random variable x is measured $20$ times by two instruments, and the measurement error of the two instruments is assumed to be a normally distributed random variable with a mean value of $0$ and a variance of $0.1$ and $0.4$ respectively. Caculate the least square estimation (LSE), weighted least square estimation (WLS) and linear minimum variance estimation (LMMSE) of $X$, and calculate the mean square error of the corresponding estimation. Let the measurement equation be $Z=HZ+V$.
To handle the problem, run the following file:
Wiener Filter
problem description
Let $y (n) =x (n) +v (n)$, where $x(n)=10sin(\frac{\pi n}{128}+\frac{\pi}{3})$,$v(n)$
is white noise with variance of $1.25$. Design FIR and IIR Wiener filter to estimate the signal $x (n)$.